Thanks for the pic. Great color combination . . . I think this is what I am going to order. Wish Toyota was doing Seaside Pearl again, however.
Thanks Liverbomb. After talking with the dealer again today I'm going with the silver b/c he is giving me at MSRP on a Prius II and can't guarantee a red in that price range in the next month or so. They already have a waiting list but none of the buyers want a II. Maybe the Gen 4 will be red.
I'm sure you will love the Gen3, no matter the color. Let us know if you have any questions on how to wash/maintain the paint.
Long story short, through the mists of time I used to own a black Nissan Pickup, then 2 years later owned an almost identical red Nissan Pickup. All I know is my driving habits hadn't changed but I got far more speeding tickets and attention from police. I vowed I'd never own red again. However I have to admit the Nissan red I'm talking about was a flat brighter red (they called it Aztec) that I really didn't like. The Barcelona Red of Toyota seems to have a browner, wine like cast. I like the looks of Toyota's Barcelona Red. Just for me, I have to be true to my vow. No red for me. Just chiming in though, for me I did notice more attention from traffic police driving red.
I've been driving a red Honda CR-V for 10 years now and never been pulled over and I'm not sure how you can measure "getting more attention". Obviously, I'm really used to looking for my red vehicle now, so I thought I might like a red Prius also since it looks very sport with the new body design (as opposed to the Gen II's which I didn't much care for). I'm just debating between red and silver now.
For me? I'm defining "attention" as with my Black Truck, I can't even remember getting pulled over for a speeding ticket. With my red? It happened A LOT. Sure, it's my own subjective personal experience. But I did notice a big difference. I'm not knocking the red, I even like the red. Just for me my personal experience with a Red vehicle was so negative from that P.O.V. that I just don't want to own red again.
I've seen a couple Barcelona V's in person now .... Hottt ! btw, Toyota Sunnyvale, CA had a bunch of 10's in stock. At least 3 out front, 1 in showroom, a demo model, 1 was just being picked up, and I don't know how many out back. Said they just got a big shipment in. Oh, one salesman commented the 17" wheels 'give more road feel and noise than would be his cup of tea'.
I will - 2 weeks from today - red/bisque V. It's on the ship just off Cuba heading to Jacksonville FL port. To be processed there, then trucked down to the dealer in Palm Beach where I will pick up after a 3 hour bus trip from Orlando area. I WILL take pictures.
me too..I ordered the same...Package 3 - Barcelona Red with Solar roof package and dark gray fabric..
We are VERY happy with Barcelona Red III with Nav! Stunning color and if you ever get a paint chip, it can be fixed so that no one, even you, won't be able to find it. Barcelona Red turns heads.
I love my Barcelona Red/Bisque III with Nav and solar roof. Did you get touch-up paint with yours? I did not and was wondering about that. Thanks.
I have the Red and really like it. I really like it when the car is clean and have washed it three times. If you are worried about hiding the dirt, it is not to bad, but you will see dirt. Silver, Gray are better at hiding dirt. The red car looks awesome. As far as how long it will stay looking good, I am only on week 3. I am very happy with it and it is pretty easy keeping it clean. The red probably shows the dirt less than a white or black car. The metal flake in the red is beautiful and you will notice it looks different in sunlight and shade. I think I made a good choice. I have posted several photos.
I just ordered a 2010 IV in barcelona red (dk gray). I went on a trip and spotted Prius' on the road......I didn't think red was my fav color until seeing them on the road. My husband has a white prius and I love that too. Can't wait to get it!!
Just bought a Prius last Friday, my first choice for color was silver, I thought about red, really wasn't sure. Dealer says he can get me red not silver, and after looking at some of the pics on this thread I am SO glad I'm going to get the red!!! Can't wait....