As a brand new Prius owner, does anyone have suggestions for adjusting to the rear camera? I've never had one and objects appear to be much, much, further away than they actually are. After renting a Prius without it, I realized it would be essential for me.
Two points: 1. The camera is not adjustable. 2. The camera is not essential. The "wow" factor is fun for first time passengers. I find the only time I use it is to see if I am parked in far enough to close the garage door without hitting the rear bumper. Its not that big of a deal, really. You have three mirrors, just like any other car out there. Use them.
After I viewed these posts, I went out experimenting parking in the neighborhood. You are so right -- I was being way too anal about this camera. While parallel parking there was a white line in back of me and it actually lined me right up with it but in actuality I could have done the same thing without it. Thanks!
Each to his own, I suppose. There's no doubt we can live without a rear-view camera. We also could live without speed limits. I just see both as valuable safety features. I just happen to use the camera on a daily basis, because our neighborhood is filled with young children who will have no compunction about standing, sitting or laying down behind any parked car. Of course, they'll always leave scooters, bikes, etc. anywhere on a driveway! It isn't an essential, but if you have it, I suggest taking advantage of it -- for safety's sake.
Yeah, while I agree you could live without it as we have for decades, I find it quite useful. While parking here in the city, or even in parking lots, it lets you get very very close to objects knowing just how far you have left... As well as the safety factor of letting you see whats right behind you. It also helps me quite a bit when I back in my garage to get the park just right and in almost the same spot each time. So I for one do like it if it comes with a package I was ordering but wouldn't go nuts making sure I get one.
Right after I got my '07, I measured the field of view straight out from the camera. I recall being able to see everything except the last six inches from the point directly below the bumper to the starting point of the field of view. You could do this experiment: Tape a dollar bill to the floor of your garage, and set it perpendicular to your car. Back toward the dollar bill (set length-wise to the car at its center point. At the moment the dollar bill disappears from the screen, the closer end of the bill is directly below (plumb) the center-point edge of your rear bumper. While I don't recommend taping dollar bills in all of your parking places (bread crumbs may be a smarter bet), you should be able to better judge your position with such knowledge.
I wish my Chevy Aveo had a back up mirror. One time I got in my car, hit the garage door opener, looked in the rear view mirror, once it was open, and saw the car of my wife's friend that was visiting. I wouldn't be able to back up as far as I usually do, but, I would be able to go back far enough, turn the wheel, pull forward, you get the idea. So I put my car in reverse, and half way out of the garage, I hear clunk. I get out, and my daughter had parked her bike in the drive. All I did was knock the bike over, bike is fine, not a scratch on my car. So I move her bike out of the way, mutter a few choice words to myself about the kids not ptting stuff away,get back in my car, and back into wife's friend's car.