I just stopped at a stop light and my Prius engine shut down but the car rocked back and forth. It has not done this since then. What may have caused this small tremor and is it important or just a glitch?
I've noticed that the usually quiet shudder of the gas engine shutting off can sometimes be more than quiet. Could this have been it? Other than that, I'd say the old "if it don't happen again don't worry about it" rule applies.
I am not sure how severely your car rocked back and forth, but I occasionally experience this "shudder" when I come to a stop and the ICE shuts off. I would say it happens a couple of times a week for me. I have heard of others who have also reported this. I hope it is normal, and I'm not worrying about it.
I get this too: A slight shudder at a light when you stop and the ICE shuts down, a very subtle surge when the computer adds the ICE to the electric drive when pulling away from the light. I also get a slight surging in the first mile or two after starting up and driving off in a warmed-up Prius, and can hear some variation in the ICE revs in this same mile-or-two startup. Despite the road rumbles and the quirkiness, this is the most remarkable car I've ever owned. Bar none. Peace
Rocks at stops? I live in the San Francisco area and my Prius rocks all the time. All my cars rock. Sometimes my house too. :wink:
I get the shudder sometimes at stoplights. Occasionally a double shudder, which I attribute to the ICE stopping, starting, and stopping again. Sometimes I get a more subtle shudder when the car is going along on electric, and the ICE starts up. I presume this is normal for the Prius. It seems odd because we are not used to a car that starts and stops its engine all by itself. But I would not describe this as "rocking."