I just put a deposit down on a Blizzard pearl Prius II. Looks like my car is on the vessel named Indiana Highway. Can anyone post info on where this vessel is and when it is supposed to arrive at port? I tried vessel tracker, but it needs a login to get the full details. Looking forward to the 2010! Thanks, Jonas
I tried to find the Indiana Highway at this site, but it didn't appear on their search list. '' Current Vessels in Range - AIS Marine Traffic Hopefully, some else more familiar with this topic can help.
The Vessels seem to go in and out of range. I was following the Kentucky Highway and it just dissapeared right off the map while it was tracking. I think this is going to happen no matter what service you are using to track the vessel.
I put my deposit down on Saturday. All my dealer told me was that it would probably be around twelve weeks or so. How do you find out what ship your car is on? Do you actually have your vin number already?
The dealer can give you a printout and it will show what ship it's coming in on. That's what my dealer did.
ETA is listed as: 30.05.2009 06:00 Which is May 30 @ 6:00 AM (that would be this morning). It looks like it's anchored just south of the Bay Bridge, probably waiting until Monday when it's due in port at Benicia (click on choose ship, then select Indiana Highway): Recent Ship Positions on San Francisco Bay You can also see it here: Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions
This ship has been in LA the last month according to it's AIS. It pinged the tracker every 7 days in May. 2 days ago I got Yokohama as next port of call? I don't see how it could have any Prius on it.
It sounds like that's just an estimate on his part given his current pre-orders, i.e., waiting list, and likely allocations. From what I gather from other postings by dealers, they can only see a few weeks or month in advance. Sorry to say, it's probably too early in the process to have that detailed information.
PriusChat Forums - Indiana Prius Club Would realy like to join are little club. Welcome and enjoy your Prius when you get it.....
I don't think the OP is a fellow Hoosier. His data indicates he lives out on the left coast. I think that the vessel that his/her Prius will (allegedly) be arriving on is the MV Indiana Highway if IINM.
Isn't that the vessel recently hit by big waves? Didn't they lose most of the cargo? Just kidding. Tom
Indiana Highway From: Balboa Last seen : 02.05.2011 15:01 Destination: TOYOHASHI JAPAN ETA: 20.04.2011 11:00 Course: 236° Parked in Panama maybe until production picks back up.
Makes a guy wonder what happened next on posts where the original people never come back to post the conclusion Mike
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/63329-picked-up-my-prius-today-any-others-in-orange-county-ca.html Yep he got it about a month after his post in this thread. He either sold it or isn't interested in this forum as he hasn't been back in a good long while. Mike