I haven't heard any mention of East Coast deliveries. I am in the DC area and my dealer informed me when I placed a deposit back in Feb that the cars would land at the Port of NY and then be shipped out.
Cars are expected to hit Newark NJ May 29th. The Kentucky Highway is north of Cuba right now heading towards Newark at 20.1 knots. http://marinetraffic.com/ais/defaul...1.19772¢ery=24.03057&zoom=10&type_color=7
What's next after the 29th on the East Coast? My dealer said I would be in the second or third allocation. Rich N.
I stopped by a dealership here in Raleigh, NC on Friday (22nd) and the salesman said they were getting their first group on June 6th. He said he'd e-mail me the details on cars, but nothing yet.
Before it gets to Newark I think it is going to Jacksonville, FL first...The info was just updated on that tracking site.
Is a manifest available for the Kentucky Highway online? It would be great to know what vehicles it was carrying!
I was operating under the same assumption until I received a call from my dealer telling me their first 2 2010's have arrived at the port ( i believe Newark). That means there is another ship (aside from Kentucky Highway) carrying at least a few vehicles. I made the decision to go for a Black V w/ nav over the Winter Grey IV I had ordered in March. Should be here (allentown) early next week!
On Sunday at 6:30PM, the Kentucky Highway is just 5 miles off (my home) Ft. Lauderdale with a Jacksonville ETA of 7:00AM Tuesday. That's a little under a day late, so expect slight east coast delays. My car had an original Jacksonville Port ETA of Monday, with dealer delivery the following Wednesday 6/3/09. I tried to flag the ship down when it passed by, but the best I could do was seeing some of the deckhands washing Prius' on the top deck; I think one of them was mine.
Wow, maybe there still is hope. I sure wish there was a way to find out with 100% certainty which ship my car was on... And the waiting continues
I agree. I was told my car is not on the Kentucky Highway and had little hope for an early June delivery. Now I see that it's possible that another ship may be also carrying east coast cars. Hope springs eternal!!!!!!
Priora, You can go to the Toyota.com website and choose 'Build Your Toyota', put in your zipcode, then choose Prius. Next, over towards the right, click on 'View Inventory for your New Prius'. You can then select 2010 in the Year dropdown box and it will show you which models have been recently allocated to your dealer. Good luck finding your new Prius, mine's due 6/17!
I didn't find it either. I noticed they have a new option to "chat with a Prius specialist". I tried it but it didn't work. Has anyone tried this?
I wonder if it is local/regional thing. I am in the Chicago Area (far south suburbs) and it did not appear on my site either swich2mac
Only the PriusChatters would identify which freighter their new 2010 Priuses are on, and post updates as to its whereabouts, speed, and post sightings of it off the coast LOL. I love you guys (and that is not meant to be mean, I think its awesome LOL)
It appears to be a regional thing. Possibly SET region only? Just for fun (or torment) - for those outside SET, a Raleigh, NC zip of 27601 works fine.