We took delivery of our pearl white 2010 IV with solar roof option on Monday of last week. First in Southern Oregon if we heard correctly. My question is why the plastic wheel cover which hides an otherwise quite attractive 15" multi-spoke allow wheel? In our first 200 miles we are averaging 49 mpg without doing anything special, just driving normally but at varying speeds during break in. Quite impressive for a brand new car. But, most impressive of all is the ride and drive quality. It is far quieter than the earlier generation Prius, seems far better sorted out, sits cleanly and firmly on the road and is actually quite peppy. Independent of the hybrid stuff this car would compete well with other four cylinder mid-sized sedans like the 1999 Subaru Outback it is replacing. If any of you know why the silly hub cap or what difference it makes to run without it, please let me know. If there is no downside then this is the fastest and most cost effective customization move one could make as the car looks far better without the plastic covers. Thanks for the help. Jerry
What's with the icon Mr. Whit? The covers are for aerodynamic reasons. They're meant to cover up the spokes to reduce turbulence around the wheel area. In addition, a plastic cover is lighter than the alloy (even though the 15" are lightweight alloys already). I presume achieving the same design with all alloy material will add a bit more weight.
CE Otsuka didn't mention road noise but I figured if it's for aerodynamics, it could be for both since the less turbulence there is, the lower the noise and the better the car slips through the air so better FE.
The real reason is to encourage folks to buy the V with the 17s. Those 15s are some of the dorkiest wheels I've ever seen.
. I wholeheartedly agree! (Wait a minute....I need a chance to get behind the couch before the new 2010 owners start throwing things at me....:behindsofa:......ok, go ahead). The 6 spoke 15" wheels with the ring covers on the G2s look a lot better than the G3 2010 five spoke 15" ones ( :behindsofa: ), IMO. In fact, since I've started using tire shine on the tires, and keeping the rims clean and bright, I actually like the look of the trim rings on the G2s. So I decided to leave mine on. In conjunction with the color-matched body-side molding, I think that they actually look very appropriate for the car. But when they get dirty, they don't look so great. .
I don't think that anyone will throw any bricks at you for liking the new 15" wheel covers. Instead, I suspect that many will instead suggest that you seek medical help
Lol.....actually, Joel, I was agreeing with Mirak, who said that the new covers are "some of the dorkiest wheels" that he's ever seen! That's why I'm hiding behind the couch!
At the risk of adding fuel to the fire, check out this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/2010-toyota-prius/62096-15-alloy-wheels-w-center-caps.html
We are waiting for our Barcelona Red with the Bisque interior from Lithia Toyota in Medford.:angel: Jerry, where did you buy yours? I don't care for the wheel covers at all. Snazzy they are not. I'm going with the rims until the tires need to be replaced and then bring on a nice set of chrome 16 inch or 17 rims. The wheel covers look like they were designed for the elderly. You won't see wheel covers like that on the drag strip or in a car show I'm afraid. Moving the roof line back gave the car a sporty look everywhere except at the wheels. The 17ings do look very nice!!
Ours came from the GP Toyota dealer. They originally said they could not get a car for us for months. A week ago Friday our phone rang off the hook from the Portland dealers saying they had cars. We passed that on to the GP dealer and last Monday morning they said they had one for us that someone else apparently passed on without even looking. Don't know if that is true or not but it was the configuration we wanted in the correct color so we purchased it Monday afternoon. Today we had to go to Medford and did the first fill up at Costco - 6 gallons, 300 miles. On the 60+ mile drive home the indicator shows 53+ mpg. We did nothing special, just drove with cc set a bit above the speed limit, AC on, sat blaring, etc. Very impressive, especially how quiet and comfortable it is. We removed the wheel covers this morning before the Costco run and both thought it was noisier driving on the same I-5 stretches so they will go back on tomorrow even though the car looks much better without them. If it really does make a difference in noise they will stay on. If not, they will come back off. Seven years ago we purchased the 1907 Masonic Temple building in historic Kerby, OR, which we restored and remodeled into my studio and gallery on the first floor (I design and hand craft fine furniture) and our living quarters on the second, so stop by if/when you are in the neighborhood. Jerry
Hi Jerry: Thanks for the response that was terrific. I too will see if the wheel covers off create more noise. It is possible and perhaps why the flat wheel covers. I am not a big fan of hubcaps. Lets call it like it is. We tried to buy our 2010 Prius, hopefully on a boat right now, from Wheeler Toyota in Grants Pass. Wheeler's prices were sticker or go jump in the lake. Why they would want us driving around town advertising Lithia Toyota on our license plate frame is beyond me. Lithia Toyota in Medford gave us their Costco discount so we bought from them. They said we should have ours by mid June. I calculated Toyota's build rate at 66 cars per hour or 9,504 per week or 41,152 per month so most of us early shoppers should be in the drivers seat soon. Congratulations on getting yours early on! I will try to stop by and see your Kirby fine furniture store. I do admire fine woodworking. Dan Clemons, Grants Pass, OR