I am thinking of a small variation of Radioshack EV Button Install instructions by efusco. The reason for this is I want the installation to be completely reversible. I plan to use Pin 5 ( Signal Ground) or pin 4 (Chasis ground) from OBDII connector ( These are actually shorted on the scan guage connector). I could use a Spare OBDII cable which I have with me, or also get the same signal using a PC network cable from second port of scanguage. Thus process would be to add the pin with wire to #27 of H14 Plug of ECU. Modification would be to make use of ground from OBDII connector or via network cable on scanguage. There is no splicing involved and with some effort of getting pin 27 out of H14, installation is completely reversible. See any problems or risks with this? Thanks, Parag
One Additional question. I thought I had seen a thread to this effect. But No luck finding it. Does EV mode temporarily disable Traction control like in 2010? I am assuming it does. That is my main reason for this. Climbing small hill on a small street near my home in snowy weather. Not major climb. But I have had to spin wheels 3 or 4 times on Accord I had earlier.
AFAIK it does not disable TRAC, but I'd never heard that question nor had I heard that that happens on the 2010. That said, to give enough power to overcome TRAC will likely kick you out of EV mode anyway.
My Bad. I had read somewhere that EV mode temporarily disables TRAC. I thought that was a safe mode while still protecting HSD. I realize I could further spread misinformation through my post. However I still do not understand why Trac protect HSD. As far as Transmission or PSD is concerned so long as wheels are spinning it should not matter whether the car is moving or not. MG1 should not spin out of control just by wheel spinning. At PSD relative RPM's of ICE and MG1 and MG2 should still be good. If the two wheels are spinning at different speeds the load would be on differential and not on PSD. Only thing I can think of, that can go wrong, is if ECU gets speed input from either rear wheels or from one of the front wheels, rather than as average of two front wheels (average would be related to Output shaft speed of PSD). If that is the case then ECU could make wrong calculations allowing Motor to run out of control. This is based on little understanding I have about how PSD works. Am I thinking correct? As a Driver major protection offered by TRAC would be in wet condition when one of the wheels could hydroplane at high speeds. In snowy conditions only use would be to prevent drifting on one side when one wheel catches on. Considering speeds under snowy conditions, to me it is more of an impediment rather than help, for a careful driver.