First Car sold in Texas is a Sandy Beach Metallic, Model V, with AT package, Mats, Tint, Remote Engine Start, Cargo Net and what was supposed to be a Rear Bumper Applique (but isn't): see entire Picasso album HERE
Very nice--congrats! What tires did you get? Also, could you take a picture of the overhead console--apparently there's 3 different ones, and I have a V w/ nav coming soon and am curious which one it will be.
Tires - same Toyos reported by others: Toyo Proxes A20 P215/45R17 87V 51 Max Pressure Tread 300 Traction A Temperature A Overhead Console:
There's quite a few being driven the the DFW area and I hope to be receiving my 2010 Prius within the next couple of weeks! Of course, I am an East Coast transplant. Glad to know they've made it to Houston, it looks great!
Congrats - fellow Texan here (Dallas area) looking for same color. I'm a little North of you, so may take a while for shipments to work their way up. Appreciate the great photo album. Looking forward to your continuing posts as you drive this baby. Congrats (envy?) again... PS - loved your shirt. Sandy colors and beach theme - on purpose?
Which dealership did you get yours at? I've been looking to test drive one in Houston. I am currently in Dallas on some business, though. No dealerships seem to know when and where they'll be getting their 2010s.
I was in a priority program, so I got mine first, as did greenbirder, who it turns out got his Saturday. The dealers don't have their first cars yet, though it should be soon. See this post -
Congrats! Mine has been waiting for me since Thursday, but I will pick it up sometime tomorrow! I'm hoping to test out a number of the ATP items later in the week. Please let me know if you'll be able to do the same, and we could collaborate on an early report.
Thanks for the pics. It brings a few things to mind, so here are a couple of comments/questions: Do you have the standard tint, or is there something added at port or dealer? Surprisingly nice color! (OK, for the rest of you: Greg has already made nice comments about my color choice!) How about those floor mats? Those aren't the standard: What did you get? How about that cargo net? Not what I have -- mine is the vertical one that opens on top to allow storage. Originally, I looked for something like what you have, but couldn't find it. Help! Very nice look!!!
Very nice looking vehicle. A couple of questions as I have a V with ATP on order. Looking at the pic of the rear seat looks VERY SMALL. Have you or someone else had the opportunity to sit back there yet? Your thoughts? Have you had the opportunity to test out all of the ATP's functions? Your thoughts on that as well. Thank you in advance for answering my questions. Scott
Congratulations! This is the exact model I ordered as well. Thanks for taking time to taks all the pics . . . VERY helpful, and much appreciated.
Thanks so much for responding so quickly. Congrats on your new car! Looks like you'll be having tons of fun enjoying it while the rest of us wait. =D
As has been pointed out by others, the Prius interior room is larger than it looks. The back seat easily holds 2 large adults, with plenty of legroom, and if you have a child or a skinny adult, another person in the middle. The middle portion is relatively wide and flat, and I still don't hit my head on the ceiling there (5'10"). 1. Port installed ceramic 35% tint on sides and upper rear. This takes it to about 26% light transmission (with 25% light transmission being legal in Texas for side windows). Note the lower rear is smoked glass with 29% light transmission. Sticker on window says "digifilm". Probably 3M, if the salesman was correct. GST didn't really give me the brand. I talked about the tinting issues in this thread: 2. I was worried I wouldn't like the color, but I'm satisfied with it. The yellowish gold is definitely better than Toyota's usual beige colors. Not sure that comes across well in photos. 3. I thought Tideland said black floormats were now standard for the 2010. What does yours have? Can someone else confirm? The cargo mat is beige. 4. The cargo net is another mistake by GST, along with the rear bumper protector. I'll have to go back and get the vertical installed.
Looks great, congrats. GST sucks. I have an FJ cruiser that I special ordered. I ordered the tow hitch and alarm upgrade, thinking it was going to be the OEM version, because that's what they charged me for, but they were cheapo aftermarket crap. On the alarm they actually drilled holes in the engine compartment and dash! Instead of using the prewired Toyota alarm system.