Hi all I removed the passenger seat in my 08 to store my manual wheelchair but now the airbag light stays on. im sure it thinks there is a problem but im wondering if removing the seat will cause other problems?
I would defer to the experts (Toyota dealer) on this. A quick call should settle it. Better safe than sorry.
To my knowledge, your driver airbag should still work. I'll check with my techs on tuesday as they are off for the holiday. Edit: Talked to 2 techs that walked by. One agreed with me that the drivers would still work, the other said, no, the whole system goes down. I tend to think that only the pass airbag stops working though.
i was thinkin it would work too but hate to find out the hard way. my problem is that I have a wheelchair that comes apart and I need to keep it with me up front where i can reach it.
I can't resolve this. I do know that in the 2001, removing the seat involves unplugging its weight sensor. Had it out on several occassions, and after re-install there was no signal indications that anything was unhappy. Would add that it's important to have anything heavy in the pax compartment well secured. A small upset that would not trigger bags could send that chair flying with intent to do harm.
When I replaced the front seats with my bench seat for my mail delivery job I read the light means the system is disabled. I found this ' a resistor,1/4 watt 2 ohm, works ; simply push the two wire ends into the car side of the air bag wire. the thread with more info from last year is here. 40,000 miles and no problems from that so far. Note my car is an 04 , and all work is done while car is off, of course. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-technical-discussion/45229-resistor-value-seat-air-bag.html
Thanks! I knew you guys would have the answer. this means so much to me to have my chair with me up front and yes it will be secure though it only weighs 12 pounds (gotta love titanium). Thanks again :rockon: