Hi I own a 2005 prius,and really like it so far except for the drivers side mirror.Can't seem to adjust it without having a large blindspot.It is really not safe.I've already had a couple of close calls with this problem and i'm sure alot of other owners have noticed it too.If anyone has come up with some sort of solution to this please let me know.I would really appreciate it.I owned many cars before this one and was always able to adjust it so there was hardly any blindspot. Help Bob Silver Prius
I have not noticed the problem with my Pri as badly as I did with my Matrix. For my Matrix, I put those small stick-on round mirrors on both side-view mirrors. Really helped with the blind spots.
This has been discussed before, but basically if you adjust the side mirrors so you have to lean your head against the window or put your head to the middle of the car in order to see the door handle you will have no blind spot. Between the rear mirror and the side mirror everything is visible. Try it out.
Nope, I never noticed a problem. Using blind-spots mirrors since back in the 80's eliminated any concern about what's on my sides. Here's a close-up of the one on my HSD Prius... http://john1701a.com/prius/prius-album73.htm
Hi It's me again I don't think I explained well enough for you people to understand the situation.When i'm driving on the highway and in the slow lane,cars will be passing on my left.At times I've looked in my drivers side mirror to change lanes there was no sign of a car in my mirror,so I started to change lanes,just as I did a car was right along side of me and I had to swerve back quickly to avoid him. Whoever it was that said i'm not moving my head in different positions is all wet.Believe me this is a problem i've never had with any other car. Anyway will the blindspot mirrors help with this type of problem? Thanks Bob
I was taught in driver's ed. class (12 years ago) that not only do you look in the mirror, but you also check over your left shoulder to make sure the lane is clear. You may want to try one of the sticky mirrors mentioned in the posts above. Glenn
Can any moderator or administrator please edit the title of this thread to correct the spelling of the word VISIBILITY. Thanks.
Adjust your mirror so that the car would be in view in this sequence rear view, driver's side, peripheral vision.
Geez it scares me to death that people do NOT turn over their shoulder and rely only on the mirrors! :s Back in Croatia (where I am from) - if you do that on your driving exam - you fail. It is a MUST.
John, Thanks for sharing the link to the photo. Where did you get the blind spot mirror from or what type is it? I did a Google search for "blind spot mirror" but didn't seem to find any that looked like yours.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rookie\";p=\"87785)</div> You have it soft in Coatia. There, everyone is Croatian. Out here in SoCal, we have millions that just three weeks ago were driving rickshaws, burros and camels. Now they have cars and drive slow in front of me and fast behind me.
I do not have a problem either as long as I do a left shoulder check. Make sure you have the mirror adjusted so you can see the front of the car on the left, not just the windshield. If it is too high, you won't see a car there nearly as early.
Hi I'm so glad most of you people could understand my problem.And then there's always a few who can't I guess it's do to lack of intelligence.Well I found the answer to the blindspot here's the link. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~gdguo/driving/BlindSpot.htm