I was flipping through webpages in my browser history out of sheer boredom... hubby's in Raleigh taking ASE tests and the cat is sprawled all over me showing no sign of leaving soon. Can't disturb the the little furball, he's too cute sleeping on my lap. (what am I gonna be like when we have kids if the cat is too adorable?) Ran into toyota.com/prius I decided to compare a Prius to a Hummer H2 using the "compare" page. Quite the amusement. I also compared our beloved Prius to that damn Ion with that damn commercial. Also enjoyable. If you're ever that bored I suggest you do it for the immense satisfaction. OK, you can start picking on me now
Keep the cat happy. Cats are less of a problem than kids. We have 5 cats and these cause fewer headaches then our 2 daughters did when growing up.
Bored with hubby at ASE tests? Surfing/comparing Prius to others? Man what a life, :lol: . Wish I was bored sometime,maybe I could keep up with all these posts! Maybe even surf some other sites I love to visit but have no time.And I just can't wait till HiHy gets this busy,I will never keep up then,haha. I will have some free time in a week when I go to the region for HiHy new model training,2 days. Peace and quit, for at least one night :wink:
- Getting myself through grad school is proving to be quite a pain as it is. Whew! - I have a quiet life, for now. It's either 50 hour weeks or nothing to do. Had a permanent place to work on my thesis, but the guy changed his mind and said he didn't have time for another student. Now I sit at home alone and make no progress toward my degree. I have to wait until Tuesday to discuss options on what to do next. So... boredom sets in. Hm.