I could have been two days further along in my recovery if I had listened to my daughter. She said to go to the emergency but I waited two days to see if it would get better. (hits self in head again) Rod
Hope you recover quickly. It' amazing what doctors can do these days. Best wishes for an early recovery.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Next time listen to your daughter My wife went through the same thing back in Feb. on Valintines day none the less. On the night before, I got home from work and she was her normal happy-go-lucky self, cracking jokes, pretty much normal. An hour or so after supper, she mentioned she was having cramps, I told her to try some Pepto Bismal, which she did and went to bed. The next morning she said she was still having the cramp, so we went to the local insty clinic, where they seggested we go to the ER. There after a few tests and a CT scan, the Dr. came back, surprise, surprise, your going into surgery. Surgery only lasted about 20 min. to half an hour, they did the kind where it's only 3 tiny slits. She was discharged the next day, and the following week we went to the Philippines.
Best wishes for a quick recovery! With a name like Huntceet I bet you're anxious to get back in the saddle for the summer show season.
Thanks to everybody for the well wishing. It's almost two weeks since the surgery and I'm almost back to normal. Dr. says no heavy lifting for three more weeks. Shucks, I guess I'll just have to let somebody else do the lawn mowing. Rod
Hay man, the Philippines are great! What could possibly be wrong with a country where beer (really REALLY GOOD beer), sells for $0.35 a bottle?