hey, just wondering if anyone is thinking about the possibilities of using acetone on the 2010 models....
Re: Acetone works!! Why would they? I might consider using acetone if I had to repaint, but otherwise no. Tom
Re: Acetone works!! I've just read through this entire thread and find it worth noting a couple of things (and asking a couple of questions!): Solvents general come in one of two forms: Organic (as in hydrocarbons) and Aqueous (water). Gasoline is a hydrocarbon. So is acetone. Acetone is a ketone, just like MEK, but it is much smaller and it has an interesting affinity for water. Alcohol, particularly the smaller alcohols like ethanol, also have very great affinities for water. You cannot get ethanol in an absolutely pure form through normal processes. This may be one reason why acetone could be ineffective (perhaps even detrimental) when used with E10. Acetone has a very low flash point. This is what makes it a bit more dangerous to handle than gasoline. It has very low surface tension -- as do many organic solvents. Just because you don't see acetone after rubbing it on your fingers or spilling it on the ground doesn't mean it has all evaporated. The extremely low surface tension means it will quickly spread out and it will go into crevices and around corners or edges quite easily. Many people have mistakenly thought acetone or other organic solvents can't harm anything in the ground because of this apparent evaporation. Sure, much, if not most, of the acetone will vaporize. What doesn't evaporate goes deeper into the ground. There, because of its affinity for water, it will quickly become parf of the aquifer. This, folks, is how groundwater becomes contaminated! When on your skin, the acetone will evaporate quickly (leaving your skin chilled in very short order), but it also will go right through your skin. It will take natural oils with it and allow them to be dissolved in your body. Those who use it as a nail polish remover should be familiar with the dry, even cracked, skin you can receive from regular dermal contact. Questions: Has anyone been using acetone in some regular fashion? Windstrings: Any more info? Do you still use acetone in your gas as an additive? What is the cost of acetone? Is it less per gallon than gasoline?
Re: Acetone works!! Acetone is a joke unless you are doing finish work. It will certainly remove the Pri paint if you spill a drop on it. I would not want to take a chance on killing the bladder or the numerous 0-rings and seals that it could/would damage. 2.4 mpg is merely a placebo effect. You can vary the mpg of the tank several percent by averaging 5 mph more or less on a tank. If you want to play with acetone, do it on a 78 Chevy, NOT a Prius.
Re: Acetone works!! Absolutely NOT! Read my previous post. If you feel the need to use Acetone, use it on an OLD car.
If acetone works according to reports it will ONLY work with gas ,no E-10 stuff ..maybe this is why methanol is put in our gas and lobbied for ...Myth Busters had to have used E-10 as it's only what you get in California where the show is made in SF area. Maybe this is what Exxon,Shell.Chevron use to make their gas special in different places ?!? The term for what the acetone does is a form of hydro-cracking. Again as stated here already most auto stores fuel additive's have acetone in it (they use it for the cleaning effect)and acetone has NO effect on gas mileage with corn squeeze'n in it.............
Re: Acetone works!! There haven't been any fuel system problems or engine problems. The oil is down half qt between changes. I have an 8% increase in gas mileage on average. I seem to spill a little acetone on the paint around the filler but you can't tell by looking . acetone away!!!
IMHO the MPG improvements you see are due to seasonal temp changes. I had used acetone and it improved MPG, but that was in carbureted motorcycle. The fuel savings came from leaning idle mixture and adjusting idle RPMs. Not sure if ECU can take an advantage of it. With all plastic parts injector, fuel pump, tank, etc have no intention to try it in Prius
Re: Acetone works!! Sugar is a Carbohydrate, not a Hydrocarbon. I begin to suspect why you had it in for teachers.
I've been thinking about the experiment of soaking o-rings in acetone to judge the long term effects. I think the o-rings need to be pressure tested to see what effect acetone under pressure will do, and whether the o-rings develop any leaks under pressure. Does anyone know the range of pressures that fuel lines will experience? I found this reference: Fuel injection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... that says injectors work at 40-60psi.