Toyota Prius - Super White - Package 6 + Mats/Locks/Bumper

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by xrizzo, May 6, 2005.

  1. xrizzo

    xrizzo New Member

    May 6, 2005
    Los Angeles, CA
    Hello everyone, this is my first post here, and I am brand spankin' new user. Here is my deal:

    Date Ordered: 5/6/05
    Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Cabe Toyota / Scion (Long Beach, CA)
    Timeframe given for delivery: 1 day
    Color: Super White
    Option Package: 6
    Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 0

    I paid $650 under MSRP on the car + package 6, then I paid invoice for the floor mats, wheel locks, and rear bumper applique.

    I paid $185 over dealer cost on the 7yr / 100k mi extended platinum warranty, and 4yr / 55mi pre-paid maint. ($1640 paid v. $1455 invoice)

    The car is available for me today, but I need to go pick it up with my wife (who was finishing an exam at the time I was shopping). I have done extensive research on the cars available in LA/OC county, and would be happy to give advice to anyone who is looking to get a car at/below MSRP. I spent A LOT of time doing research and trying out the different dealers, so I would be happy to share my knowledge with you! (this board helped me a bit in deciding what to get -- need to window tint for example)

    If you would prefer to post your questions, I would be happy to answer as well!

    I hope to contribute to this site when I have time, and look forward to meeting you all!

    -Tim Frank (new prius owner)
  2. vprius

    vprius New Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Bakersfield, CA
    Congrats from one super white #6 owner to another. Looks like you really did well getting it under MSRP...I paid MSRP. You can do better by getting the warranty through this website (under 1K). Lots of information here. Have fun!
  3. xrizzo

    xrizzo New Member

    May 6, 2005
    Los Angeles, CA
    Re: Toyota Prius - Super White - Package 6 + Mats/Locks/Bump

    Thanks! It was my understanding that the costs on this website were $100 over invoice for each. Thus the total on this website is $1655... ($15 more than what I paid)

    I have found the market has been softer in LA the past 2-3 months, and finally pulled the triggor on the purchase when I realized my wife and I would need 2 cars from now on... (she has a summer internship, and an externship in the fall as well)