I Love my new 2010! I am just addicted to new technology. I'm curious as to why XM is Toyota's installed radio choice, as XM no longer exists as a company. As most of you know, Sirius purchased XM last year after over a year of bickering by the FCC, which, by the way brought the stock price down to around .47 cents. It is now known as Sirius/XM (SIRI being the present stock symbol)). XM remains as a radio package, for now, but combined XM/Sirius recievers are popping up all over the place. The company has discontinued many stations because of redundancy and has more of that in the works. My personal disadvantage is that I have a lifetime Sirius membership. Without an installed Sirius Radio I can't use it - I switch my portable Sirius around my truck, car, and house using an installation kit. I'm Hope Sirius is soon in offering the ability to receive Sirius broadcasts through XM radios, or that Toyota offers an adaptor of some sort. As of now, if you own one radio, you can add another for, I think 6.99 a month, which I would do for esthetic reasons. BTW. Thanks much to whoever stated on one of the threads that you get 3 free months of XM, as my dealer didn't know it yet. He told me they "used to" offer it.
i was given 3 free months and to expect a call after the start of the 3rd month to determine whether to keep it going and pay or shut it off.
FYI, I just received an email from Sirius: "Thank you for contacting SIRIUS regarding adding your XM receiver to your SIRIUS account. We are here to help! Steve, although the merger between SIRIUS and XM was completed, forming the new company SIRIUS XM Radio Inc, the integration of the company's services has not yet been completed. As such, combining your SIRIUS and XM accounts to receive the discounted rate, is not currently an available option".
Nice fast response for sure! I remember before the merger was approved, Mel Karmazin (CEO of Sirius) promised that a person would be able to listen to either service, regardless of radio owned. People were complaining that they didn't want to have to go out and buy a new radio for the combined service. I hope they get all their ducks in a row before my 3 months is up I don't really want to pay full price for XM when I already have a paid lifetime account with Sirius But I will probably go 3 months at a time, or some facsimile, until the change over is complete.
There is no such thing as lifetime membership when the merger went through. I hope you got your moneys worth at least. Maybe you can get a prorated discount on new service.
I don't use radio that much because I'm deaf but I would still like to know how does XM radio works because my wife is hearing and she doesn't know anything about satellite radios. Does everybody has to pay $6 a month to use XM radio? Is it worth getting one??
I was just offered a lifetime subscription on one of my radios (a Stiletto) just two days ago. I don't know if they'd make the same offer for an in car tuner, but I don't know why they wouldn't.
They both still offer lifetime subscriptions. What they do now however, is charge you a fee (I think it is $50), each time that you have Sirius or XM switch the serial number on the radio that is active on that account. This also make the lifetime much less desirable.
XM radio does have a lifetime agreement! The one for XM is $399 and $499 if you want Howard Stern and that side of it. However if the radio is built in as in the Prius the life time stays with the car, such as if you sell the car then the lifetime goes with the radio???? (What is up with that XM) The only way you can transfer the lifetime to another radio is if the radio that the life time was bought for is stolen or breaks. I also believe that there is a transfer fee if it is broken or stolen. So I guess I will wait and if I buy a 2010 next year, then go with the lifetime. I know that prior to the merger XM did not sell a life time subscription because I had asked about it a couple of years ago. Maybe HD radio is going to be the way to go, will have to check it out.
I have both Sirius and XM lifetime subscriptions for portable units. All of the radio only channels are identical.
lifetime is in your name. if you sell your new 2010 prius in 2020, you would call XM and disable the radio device number from the prius and replace it with your new XM device. and pay $50 only. I had a portable xm radion (vent mounted) stolen from my car. I called XM and they disabled it, making it totally useless as it could never be enabled again in theory. They sold me a new radio and i called when i got it and they enabled it remotely.
I got my Lifetime membership in 1995 at a much cheaper rate than at present. I bought one because I wanted to evaluate it as a possible stock purchase - that year the stock increased way past the price where my lifetime was actually free I feel it is most valuable as an option for portable radios only, as hopefully you buy another car before your actual lifetime expires. However, if you have a lifetime you can add additional radios for $6.99/month as shown here: SIRIUS Satellite Radio - Subscription Plans & Options
That is what I was expecting when I called them today! They told me that the life time on a factory installed XM radio was for that radio only! If I sold or traded the vehicle I could not transfer the subscription to another radio (unless the radio was stolen or stopped working). In the case of a portable XM radio then you could transfer to another radio for a fee. I was expecting to do it like you said, but was told that I could not. So not expecting my built in XM receiver to be stolen or to stop working why would I want to go with a life time subscription when I plan on buying a newer vehicle next year? So far I have been unable to find a full explanation of their life time subscription on line. If someone knows where it can be found please let me know.
my bad - you are right - that makes zero sense. why would anybody do it? linky http://www.xmradio.com/about/customer-service-agreement.xmc
This is no longer the case. I spoke with XM again today, and they confirmed that lifetime subcriptions, on XM RADIOS THAT ARE FACTORY INSTALLS, cannot be transferred when you sell the vehicle, but instead would remain with car. I find that practice to be wrong, but who am I. Additionally, once you have paid for a lifetime, they really have zero incentive to keep is happy, as we are no longer paying them. However, I spoke with Sirius as well today, and they stated that they will eventually combine their billing systems to allow this issue to be fixed. At worst, many of us with Sirius lifetimes may loan our older systems to family, until it can be transferred to XM. I have additional information, but I am waiting for confirmation before posting it... Stay tuned.
"I have additional information, but I am waiting for confirmation before posting it... Stay tuned." My mouth is watering - how about a hint