Negotiated the following price with my dealer today: Level III in Blue Carpet Mats Rear Bumper Protector $23759 including delivery charge. Did I do well or should I try harder? Of course taxes and the dealers standard non-negotiable doc fee are on top of that.
Considering MSRP and delivery fees are $23750, I think you did just fine. And if you're in the SET region, I think you did even better. Most of us are paying MSRP, delivery fee, plus cost of add-ons. 5-piece mats list at $200, while the rear bumper applique is $69. Enjoy your new car, you lucky "devil"! I mean this in the nicest way.
Yes I am in SET territory. Dealer mentioned something about not applying the addendum sticker to the car. Having never bought a Toyota before I am not sure what that was, but he said it was a savings of about $900
In my region, that would be a $260 savings from MSRP, before adding back in the doc fee (limited by my state to $50). That is a few dollars better than my deal, after adjusting for the different model and trim levels. Many folks seem to be right at MSRP.
Well you did better than me. There is no limit on the dealer doc fees in my state. I had to pay $599 for that. My last car that I bought in 2004 had a doc fee of $499, so I guess it went up $100 in 5 years. Still since it seems I got the mats and the bumper guard for free, if you back that out of the doc fee than I only paid $330 in doc fees. Of course if I wanted a real bargain I could have bought an '09 for 2K off sticker. Dealer had about 12 of those he was trying to unload. But they were all Grey or Silver and I already have two silver cars.
Considering most local dealers want full MSRP, not bad. However, I am happy to say luck, and a lot of e-mails and phone calls finally paid off. Think Alligant Air, and a trip to cold & mountains. I just found $750 over dealer invoice with $197 total fees and no state income tax. I am off to see Yellowstone National Park in my new car!:cheer2:
Those DOC fees are just another way to build in extra profit. Some CA dealers only charge $59 + $38 title. My Montana dealer was $197 with title. In NV they ranged from $399-$699 at my local dealerships. Plane tickets are cheap and a driving summer vacation is even nicer in your new car.
My dealer told me today that they are adding a $995 premium to the MSRP on all Priuses unless they are special ordered.
Find another dealer. There's little reason for this type of opportunistic robbery w/ the amount of cars that will be available.
I think you did good as I live in the same region (SET) and the dealer was firm on all amounts, though I was able to negotiate a "free" bottle of touch up paint. Here's how mine added up: IV (no options) - $25,800.00 blizzard pearl surcharge - $220.00 Carpet mats - $229.00 Title,tags - $80.00 Deliver Fee - $775.00 Doc Fees - $495.00 Tax - $810.72 Out the door - $28,409.72