Not sure what the "allot" stuff is about. Is that some sort of inside joke? We are not a "tiny nation." Our country is the 3rd largest on the planet in terms of land mass, behind Russia (#1) and Canada (#2). Canada is one of our primary energy suppliers...the largest if I'm not mistaken. Land mass wise we have about 6.2% of the World land mass, and about 4.5% of the world population. But we constitute about 20-25% of the world's energy consumption. Are you using "Tiny" as it is commonly used in an ironic nickname for someone massive? I don't think I've ever met someone going by the name of "Tiny" who weighed under 350 pounds...maybe 400...and most of them were tall too. Not really. The easiest and most economical thing to do is to invest more wisely each year so as to reduce one's total energy consumption. Quit wasting for no gain and it makes reinvestment much easier as well. Contrary to what conservatives have claimed for the past decade, efficiency is the answer. Doesn't require spending noticeably more, just more intelligently than we have in the past. And don't I know it...I've ripped open several basement walls this week so that I can insulate them. There was no requirement that these particular walls be insulated when the home was constructed in 1994 so they are empty cavities...what a waste. I'm not sure that there is even any requirement that the walls be insulated now in new construction. If the country stopped allowing stupid stuff like this to happen we would be a lot better off. It would have been far more efficient to insulate these originally, than it is for me to tear out all the drywall, insulate, hang new drywall, mud/tape, and paint.
To those people who think that drilling more dry holes in the U.S. is a path to energy "independance", I'm pretty sure that more wells have been drilled in the U.S. than the rest of the world combined, and that most of them were drilled after the U.S. production peak. At that moment I cant find the source, but I didnt look too hard either. Even if the @sshats accept that peak oil will occur within 10 years, they point to "renewables" such as ethanol, and fail to recognize that we would need something like 40 Iowas JUST to supply our fuel.
Oil based economy will soon die out. Either we want it or not. No one will actually ask. Humanity has a choice. Either to be ignorant until one minute before midnight, when all the facts will be evident even to the last fool on planet Earth that the end is near (in next minute). Or not to be ignorant and prepare ourselves, which will anyway be very hard, as we are currently only ten minutes before midnight. But better 10 minutes than just 1 minute. So next decade and two will be a decade of enormous changes. It will be a time of explosive changes if we wait until last minute, when even the last fool will be persuaded. My opinion is not to wait for fools, as we were fooled enough already.
Those "crazy profits...every quarter" were only due to very high revenues. The % profit for Exxon-Mobil was almost exactly 10% at the peak. At the same time Microsoft profits were almost 30%, although fewer $'s because their revenues are lower. Many big names companies were making much higher % profits when Exxon was in the news for their 'record profits.' It could be argued those stories were a deliberate or at least misguided attempt to demonize oil. Where was the outrage at Microsoft, Starbucks, Apple, Bank of America and the dozens of other companies with far higher % profits? Americans love to find someone to blame, but don't usually take the time to learn the facts first. And those who criticized the oil companies when gasoline was over $4.00/gal here, have they since written to the oil companies to thank them when prices fell to under $2.00/gal? I hope you are not advocating that Exxon should make the same $ profit regardless of their volume. So what % profit is fair? Again, their record profit quarters/year were at 10%. Have you ever sold anything for a 10% profit? Prices may be artificially high (or low) short term, but it all comes back to supply and demand in the end. If we use more, it's going to cost significantly more. If we use less, it's going to cost noticeably less. And demand in China, India and other parts of the world have become much more significant - the effect on pricing due to the US alone has become less of a factor, IOW we have less control on world oil prices than we did decades ago. You also talk about alternatives "allot." I agree that they will become necessary/viable and that they will need some $ support to become viable. But every article/study I've read shows they are nowhere near economically competitive yet, even with the huge subsidies/tax advantages they are getting. I have looked at solar and wind for my home, no where near making sense yet, only for the eco-chic among us. Some day I hope, but not yet... Seems oil is driven by emotion more than reality of true supply and demand. History and Analysis -Crude Oil Prices
So what % profit is fair for oil companies? Prices can certainly be driven short term (weeks/months) by other factors, but in the long run they are driven by supply and demand.
Having started to drive a year before the Arab oil embargo, I spent a lifetime worrying about gas prices. Finally last year, I found the antidote- my Prius! Okay, filling up for $16 a week was nicer than $23, but I already know I can handle $38, so it's all good! My old Chevy Blazer at 12-13 mpg needed the summer off anyway (it does work nicer in the snow)!
LOL!... I don't blame you as my comments are quite often controversial. But its not because I'm trying to stir the mud or pick a fight, but more and disgust and hatred for constant deception and trickery by the media and those to whom we look for to give us reliable info and feedback as to whats going on in our society. Its easy to agree with everyone else, but I would rather say what has not been said rather than what has. I want to provoke people to think out of the box instead of being another cow following the herd over the cliff. The older I get, the more I see it. Either things are getting worse or I'm getting wiser! I'm not a paranoid person, but rather the opposite. I've always tended to trust too easy and be naive and maybe thats why I now feel betrayed by the media. You can only get your thumb hit so many times by a hammer before it starts upsetting you. Many are in a fog and asleep and just have to short of an attention span to notice the trickery out there. Its really time somebody wakes up and pay attention. I'm only one small voice crying out in the wilderness. A troll is either on an attention trip or a power trip as they attempt to manipulate others and does not prefer peace but rather discontentment and fighting as a means of entertainment. I enjoy nor prefer either and never have.. but I'm not afraid of a spirited conversation if it means the issues get out.
Correct on both counts What I find odd is that "efficiency" is some sort of dirty word. For a given project, a 3-5 year ROI should be a no-brainer. Instead, the no-brains are in charge, and can't figure it out. I figure, as long as I can keep billing by the hour, I'll keep my sanity
Many jobs "except the very top" are so undesirable that only the unqualified will take the positions and stay, or those who are elected because its politically correct to put them in rather than a qualified person. Even the office of the president has been said that all those who are honestly qualified, know better than to apply!