So what's the opinion on Silver. I really wanted a winter gray but I found a dealer with a silver available to me within the next two weeks. We already have one silver car and it might be OD for me.
I have a classic silver 2006 Prius. It's an all right colour and doesn't show dirt too quickly. But it's very light with no depth and no matter how much you clean and polish it, it doesn't glow. The paint on mine seems very thin. After only a few months the bumpers and hood had many small nicks and imperfections (and I really spent a lot of time polishing it with Zaino). Touch-up paint is grainy and hard to apply. If you already have a silver car I think you'll be very bored with another one.
It's fine. It's a safe colour. Easy to maintain, scratches are better hidden and better resale value (cause the chances of someone wanting a silver car is higher). PriusRos, that's true. We had two although the Corolla wasn't really silver (the name was Silver Stream Opalescent). The Camry (Titanium Metallic) was more silvery.
Then you know that silver hides dirt very well. On the other hand, there are sooooo many silver cars out there. I know I would be bored.
If I recall correctly, silver has the highest resale value, followed by black and gray. At least you'll have that going for you if you later change your mind. Cheers, Rich
I posted info to that effect some months ago. BUT its from the UK and was a few years old. Most cars here are now silver, black or grey and its SO boring. Red and white are the rarest colours.
Silver would have been my first choice, if I could have found one locally in that color. For me, it's the most care-free color. I love the looks of the black, red, and blue, but I would never buy one because I would never keep them clean enough to stay looking good. I really wish they had a few more subtle colors available. A pale silvery blue would suit me very well. I guess what I'm saying is, it's a compromise between what you like the best, what you're willing to maintain, and maybe also questions of resale value etc.
Anything but silver. My wife's car, that we want to replace with a Prius is silver. My car is silver. Not trying to knock the color. If they were both blue, then it would be anything but blue. My favorite Prius color is white. I think it makes it look like something NASA would load onto the space shuttle. Wife doesn't want white, says she is afraid of people not seeing her in the snow. Wife's favorite color is black. The car is for her, and trust me, I know I should just get a black one. The thing is, I know it will get washed one, or twice a year, and look good for about 10 minutes. The driftwood, and whatever they call it in 2010, is a problem too. My parents had a Mercury Villager, that was close to the same color. Then one day they came to visit, and my mom had died her hair, and we noticed, her hair was an exact match of the van. So driftwood is out. She says red is a cop magnet. I think the dark grey would show dirt, almost as bad as the black. We both like blue.
The majority seems to see it my way... silver is okay for one car but two is a bit much. You don't drum guys out of PriusChat for passing on a 2010 do you? Actually it's the color plus I asked the dealer for remote start and all he wants to do is aftermarket not official Toyota.
Can't wait for my 2010 Classic Silver to show up. I think its a great easy to maintain color. I drive alot for my job and I need a car that I don't have to have to wash on a regular basis. Pearl white looks nice but looks like a government issued car here. The University has a fleet of Prius and they are all in white... Anyhow I think the silver shows off the new lines in the 2010 esp. the crease going down the side the best IMHO. Enjoy it. You can always get a different color next go around.
Thanks for posting this thread Mark. It tipped the scale for me. I was leaning towards silver, it was like I was excited about the new car but the color was just okay. Now that I've jumped over into the blizzard pearl camp, I'm excited about the color AND the new car! A visit to the local Toyota dealer today and saw the blizzard pearl (highlander?) color. It was a (beautiful) sight to behold. And the great part, upon close examination, the car was absolutely filthy, but still looked great. :thumb: My kind of color.
Mine won't be available until 6/17. You turkey! :glare: (just teasing). Hey, speaking of influence, have you considered the black bumper guard? Saw one on a white 2009 (and ggood's sandy beach). It really makes the car Please post pics ASAP!!!
Ya that looks nice. The shop where I got my last car tinted does vinyl graphics to.. thought I might have them cut me a bumper protecter when I get this one tinted. Tint, bumper guard, and some black rims should make for a niiice looking Prius.
Had a great experience with my 06 Classic Silver; didn't show dirt, cleaned up nice, never looked "out of style". Picking up my 10 package V today, and yes, Classic Silver again. Went for the lighter Misty Gray interior this time. The lighter interior will require more maintenance, but the monotone dark gray interior on the 06 did get a little boring.
You should wait for Winter Gray! You are going to have this car for how many years? What's another few weeks or even months to have what you really want, especially since you're paying for it. What others think of silver or any other color is irrelevant, automakers offer different colors so you can have what you want. Good luck.
At the moment I'm not sure whether I want silver or blue more. I like the fact that the blue is more of a rare color and it's bright so it sticks out on both accounts. But, the silver is a lighter color which I've heard is easier to keep looking good (no concern for fading either) and I think it would look really good with the light/dark comparison between a silver body and a black sunroof top. I just don't know.
I hope you've had a chance to go see the colors in person, makes all the difference IMO. I have now seen the 2010 Prius in red, silver and blue. The silver is nice, but like every other silver car I've seen. If you like silver, you won't be disappointed. I would not buy blue, but I just saw one in person this week, and it's a deep, rich blue. I can see why it would appeal to those who like blue cars, it is nice. Not just another blue car IMO.
I have not seen any 2010 in person, only pics. I just got an e-mail from the local dealership that the first 2010 Prius has arrived and it is red. I plan to call when they open this morning so I might get a chance to see my first one today! B)
Doesn't have to be a Prius. I am sure there are other Toyota's in Classic Silver and I think the Camry has Blue Ribbon Metallic. I am buying Blizzard Pearl, even though I have only seen it on an Avalon & a Rav4. Good luck, get what you want - you're probably going to look at your car every day for several years.