No, but I talked to one dealer today who expects their first one on 05/26/09. He said it is already sold, but will be on the showroom floor to look at and sit in for a week (no test drive though as it's sold) prior to delivery. They currently have 7 in line with a deposit. I have talked to several dealers and I am on their "call" list when they have news or cars but I have not put down a deposit anywhere.
I agree! If you REALLY want a 2010 Prius, I would consider putting a deposit down if there are only 7 ahead of you. Just my 2 cents! SG
Yes, but if it is a small volume dealer, that large dealer may get the 70 vehicles before a small dealers gets 7.
I assumed that he was in greater Detroit, which it wouldn't be that much of an issue compared to Kalamazoo, MI!
Yes, I'm in the suburbs of Detroit and I did put down a deposit last night. I looked at the first 2010 they have received which had just come off the truck a few hours earlier. Several folks dropped off their list and they said a couple still on the list were very specific in what they wanted so I may have something soon given I'm somewhat flexible. I noticed 2 items missing from the car, which I wasn't able to drive yet. I couldn't find a place to store coins and there was no cutout for a power cord to come out of the center console. Neither are deal breakers but even GM and Chrysler have the cord cutout in their center consoles.