I learned a few new things the other day: a) You can convert some songs purchased from Itunes to MP3 format!! b) My Prius CD player can play MP3 files!! c) You can fit a heck of a lot more MP3 songs than WAV songs on a CD-ROM! :music:
I like using an mp3 player with the audio in or playing Pandora on my BlackBerry with the audio in. Very cool.
Did you know they also make monitors for your computer that are flat? Yes, it's true! No more bulky CRTs!
Prius CD player also plays WMA audio files as well. I have never tried it but the logo is on the deck.
I wish the system has a CF/SD card slot to do the same MP3 songs play..... My other car (Honduh!) does has it this feature in the Stereo system with Nav, an 8GB CF card is all you need for music unlimited. CD burn is just too yester-decade.
I'm always late to the party! I'm just happy to be able to listen to my music without plugging in my ipod!
Have you heard about this new game? It's called Pong, I just found out about it last week, man it's awesome!!!! Sorry, couldn't resist!
Thanks for the info, Ichiro! I also did not know the CD player can play MP3 files... Yes, I'm such a newb.
I can't seem to get my 8 tracks to fit in the little slot in the dashboard . If you're into Audiobooks, you can sometimes get up to 3 novels on one MP3 disk. It is great to listen to a book all the way thru without changing disks...much safer too! Isn't progress wonderful? Now about those 8 tracks ....