I just made this and I was wondering which one you think is more funny? 1 2 Yes the first picture is a real picture of a goose flying up side down. Goose photographed flying upside down - Telegraph
Daniel, asking you for tips about humor is like asking Rod Blagojevich for tips about hair styling. But even given that, I have to say you're correct.
I've got some cartoons that are REALLY funny, but they are from copyrighted books, so I cannot post them here. One of my all-time favorites is by B. Kliban. The caption is "By the time I got home, Grandmother had eaten most of the porcupines," and the illustration shows an old woman stuffing a porcupine in her mouth, quills and all. A few quills are scattered around, and one more porcupine is on the table. A kid has just entered the room, and he has the most disappointed look on his face. Issac Newton was a genius. Albert Einstein was a genius. But neither could hold a candle to B. Kliban. "The Far Side" is tame and mundane compared to Kliban.
I think the would be thinking, "This is going to be a hard landing." or maybe a title of Stealth Goose.
Ditto on Kliban ("The callous sophisticates laughed at Judy's tiny head"). You can't compare him to The Far Side (or really, anybody else). Now, the hilarious, wonderful Perry Bible Fellowship can be, and by comparison he DOES make The Far Side look tame and mundane.