Hi Everyone, I'm not one that uses the freeway much. I have a back road (10 miles) that takes me from home to work and I've always used it to avoid traffic. That said - I had to go into work early today. It was early, so I figgured what the heck - I'll use the freeway. While driving on the freeway, I couldn't help but remember an earlier thread about the Prius steering sensitivity and "wander" on the freeway. Now - I live in an area that's not very windy, but driving into work at 65 to 70 mph, I noticed ZERO "wander". The car is tracking FINE. I do remember noticing the problem (slightly) when I first got the car. I'm not sure if I've just gotten used to the Prius more sensitive steering or if the wheels have simply "worn in" enough - but my Prius drives JUST FINE on the freeway now. Anyone else notice any improvements in Prii after a little "break-in"? My Prius has just over 600 miles on it now. Yoda
I think the "break-in" period is just you getting used to the Prius' fairly sensitive steering. I have just come back from a 1200k trip and the 'silver-ghost' handled like a dream. Also getting 4.8L/100k. Oh yes!
I've had my 2005 all of 3 days and I noticed it less today, but it's still there. It seemed to come and go. Interestingly, at one point I didn't notice any at all, and that was at 80mph+. In fact, I made a mental note that "This is driving smooth as silk and no wander" but other times, I remember looking up at the treetops to see how much wind there might be (none). I suspect that a part of the wander is the aerodynamic shape of the car coupled with the right wind patterns.
When you notice the car seeming to drift offline look out for shifts in the road camber or unusual grooving in the road - it is a sensitive beast but (and) it only takes the tiniest of moves to adjust.
Interested in the two current threads on wander. I just returned from a trip to the opposite corner of the state -- about 699 mi. round trip and virtually all on interstate. I tried to keep my speed down to 70 mph but drifted up to 85 several times, despite seeing several unmarked state patrol cars. If I had not read threads on Prius wander, I would not have been sensitive to it. There was very little wind on this trip and I felt no wander or lightness and the trip was definitely not tiring to me. On similar trips with my F150 and its sloppy steering, I was much more fatigued after a day of driving on the interstate. On a previoius drive, I did notice some lateral drift in gusty and high winds, but I felt that on my previous Explorer as well. By the way, I drove over the pass in the Cascades and tried it entirely on cruise control set at an even 70 mph. It felt as if I was not climbing but on a level highway. Smooth and no sensation of shifting and increase/decrease in rpm. Very nice! Just thought I would weigh in on impressions of the wander or whatever.
I have done two round trips from Miami to New York on I95. I get no "wander" normally. But on one day there was a lot of wind, and in that situation a 70 mph, there was a lot of correcting going on. If people are calling that "wander" I agree, but in the absence of wind, it goes where its pointed and tracks like an arrow.
Thanks for all the replies. It's been about another week now, and I still feel that my Prius is tracking just fine. I really think that any wander I felt when I first got the car had to do with break-in on the tires or me getting used to the steering on the Prius (which I LOVE by the way). Anyway - I now consider the "wander" to be a non-issue. Yoda
I like the Prius more than my (traded in LX470) in terms of wandering. I drove on I80 around Sacremento/Stockton area last year (around mid-night) with my LX470. That box was wandering everywhere at 60mph. That area is known to have strong win during the summer season (at night). If I can drive a BOX, I can drive a Prius with cross winds.
After a year's (today) driving my 2004, I still refuse to divert attention from the road ahead for more than one second. O.K., at 77 my reflexes (and maybe info processing time) is not jet-pilot-qualifying, but I do much better in my Mercedes. I think that is partly because the steering wheel gives me a clue when it isn't tracking straight down the highway. "Feel" is different, to say the least, in the Prius, perhaps even inadequate. Yes, we get used to such differences, but shouldn't have to.
When I first got my Prius, I did notice - or at least perceive - that it tended to wander a bit on the highway and required minor "corrections" more frequently (I think I even wrote a post about it somewhere on PriusChat). I hadn't given it a thought recently until you mentioned it, but after six months on the road it does not wander at all. So either the break-in period resolved the issue or I just unknowingly adjusted to it, or both. In any case, it's a smooth ride and a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything!