I carry my fob in my left pants pocket. I approached the vehicle one day this week with my iPhone (with a Mophie battery case). The vehicle would not respond until I separated the fob & iPhone. It appears either the iPhone or Mophie battery case blocks the Fob signal.
I've only had my iPhone for a month, but I usually have it in my left pants pocket with my fob in my right pants pocket. This varies in the winter when "pants" becomes "coat." So far, no interference. I'll have to experiment with them in the same pocket.
Do you have a 3G iphone? I've never had that problem and I usually keep my iphone & keyfob in my pants pockets while I open the door.
I have an iPhone G3. I have interference (sometimes I have to physically take my fob out of my pocket, even if it isn't in the same pocket as the phone).
just about any phone next to the fob will keep it from working. if it works for you.. you're just that weird. i keep my fob in my right pocket and my phone in my left. if bluetooth is enabled, your chances of fob success go down while in the same pocket...
I kept my laptop on in my briefcase one morning to save time, and my fob was in there as well. I couldn't open the door until I took the fob out of the briefcase. It's fine when the computer is off.
Separate pockets for me, so it's never been an issue. Oh, and my 1G iPhone is always in Airplane-mode, because we have virtually no AT&T coverage in town. The phone's wi-fi is enabled, but that ain't the same.
At least yours has functional wifi A lot of 3g iphones have fried wifi chipsets because of battery heat.
Cellphones will do that. I've had a non-responsive SKS receiver before when I had the fob and the phone touching each other in the same pocket. Putting them in separate pockets help.
I keep my iPhone in my right pocket and drop my car key into my left pocket (doesn't make much sense, but it did with my previous car - a Porsche Boxster - since it's ignition is on the left side of the steering wheel), so there's no interference. What you're probably encountering is radiation from the phone's radio is overpowering the RFID in the key. An odd thing I've noticed is that a few times I've gone to the store and upon passing through the security thingie, it goes off. No one else was close when it happened, and it's happened a couple times at different stores. It makes me go 'hmm'.
I have had that happen to me.. without knowing it untill I read your post. I do know that although the Iphone is an awesome device, it does have some serious interference issues. I have a set of Bose speakers hooked up to the computer and I have to keep the phone on the other side of the desk because it randomly will have feed back noise when it is transfering data or about to receive a call.
This post really has piqued my interest because I've experienced the same issue with my FOB which resides in my man bag in close proximity to my 3G iPhone. It usually is hit or miss (mostly hit) and I'm able to open the door with no problem. When I attempt to open and its unresponsive I take the FOB out of the bag and then it opens with no problem. I changed the battery last year and I attributed this hit or miss to a bum battery (they usually last several years). Now I realize that the iPhone is interfering with the FOB signal.