Whoa...cool "similar threads" feature on the forum... Anyhew...I've seen 3.99% for up to 60 months financing on PenFed's website. I would only need a 36 month loan. PenFed's rate is still 3.99% Is there a better rate for a 36 month loan out there right now?
My local credit union is 5.25 (I got pre-approved). Wow, that's a big difference. Does anyone know what Toyota Finance will offer?
My local credit union is 3.75% with a checking account with them set up with direct deposit. Would be interested in what Toyota offers as well.
Raid and others...Penfed will do a "refi" loan at the same rate because they offer the same rate on used vehicles. dont think there is a cost or fee. its the best ive seen...looking for better tho. it appears i may be in the market if the prius i want becomes availible by July 31.