I have almost the nemesis to the Prius. I have a Dodge Cummins dually with a manual tranny that fogs over the intersection when short shifting gears. Most of the time in my Prius I get thumbs up and looks of admiration from many clearly earth friendly people. The one time a month I drive my truck I get just the opposite looks.... almost like I'm the anti-Christ.
Yeah, I was thinking one quick stop, there goes the MFD or windshield. Even more tragic, would be "The knuckle headed kid at OSH or whatever hardware store you go to helping you load up, right into the seat back, the center console, you get the idea." I would hate to have to fight that insurance battle! I kept the 4Runner. She's a GOOD Ole Gal!! Plenty wide, deep too!
I have a 96 Ranger Pickup. Live in the country so muat have a truck. We also have a G-35 Infinity that my wife loves. I still will continue to thiink the Prius is great!
No you can't but that don't mean you can't transport a lot. We sold our 4X4 Nissan Frontier to get a VW Jetta Wagon TDI. 15 mpg to 45 mpg. I have never regretted that decision in fact it was the smartest vehicle related decision I have ever made. We have carried all kinds of things in the VW and Prius: Prius 400 SQ FT of bamboo flooring 600 pounds of topsoil 12' floor molding VW: 600 pounds of topsoil 750 pound of ceramic tile Four 4' x 8' OSB sheets (18) 2" x 4" -12' boards Full size mattress and box springs 24' extension ladder etc, etc, etc The VW is a wagon and has a roof rack. I put 2" x 6" boards longitudinally across the rack and the pile on whatever I need to carry. It is actually easier to carry long objects on the VW then in the truck.
We're getting a new 2010 to replace my X3 that is going off lease. We've considered replacing our '02 Sequoia with something smaller such as a Rav4 or CR-V. However, our truck has been so realiable that we hesitate to part with it. We love to take it on long family summer vacation drives from Arizona to northern California (12 - 13 hours each way).
I absolutly agree 100%, but you just cant get a 4 X 8 sheet of anything into a Prius. I deal with many 4 X 8 sheets of construction materials....I just can't justify renting a truck for a round trip from Home Depot!! But small stuffs, NO Problem!!!
The 4 x 8 sheets go on top of the car. Just because a 4 x 8 sheet won't fit inside a vehicle doesn't mean you can't transport them. I brought (4) 4 x 8 sheets of OSB home from Home Depot last week. No truck required.