WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE NEWS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hybrid Vehicle Sales Tax Exemption Ends Aug. 1 Olympia, Wash., May 18, 2009— the sales tax exemption for certain hybrid vehicles ends Aug. 1. Purchasers of new hybrid vehicles will need to take possession by July 31 to receive the exemption. Lease payments on previously qualifying hybrids will become subject to sales tax after July 31. The exemption for vehicles with an EPA highway mileage of at least 40 miles per gallon took effect Jan. 1, but was repealed by the Legislature as part of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6170, which revised several environmental tax incentives. Hybrid vehicles will still be exempt from the 0.3% motor vehicle sales tax, and purchases of new vehicles powered by clean alternative fuels such as natural gas, propane, hydrogen or electricity will continue to be exempt from all sales taxes through Dec. 31, 2010. # # #
****! The bums kept this invisible by making sure none of my keyword searches on the Legislature's Billfinder during the session -- and even now -- would find it.
I am trying to find this in SB 6170 but do not see it-can you link me to what you have found to verify?
Under Available Documents, pull up the Session Law link. Search the PDF for 'hybrid', or just scroll down to 'Part VIII, Hybrid Vehicles' on page 30 (Acrobat page 31). This will send you on another search for RCW 82.08.813, the exemption that is being repealed. 82.08.813 is also involved.
wow... i guess the meaning of "sacrifice for the greater good" means nothing around here. i am ashamed to call myself a resident
oh well. a non issue. just back from dealer... TOTAL Tax, fees, etc... processing fee; $50 licensing fee: $79.25 taxes: ZERO