So I'm seeing all these Prius commerials on tv saying there are no sales tax on Prius. Has anyone purchased a Prius recently and have any experience with this? Any issue's from the dealer? I found the below discussion but no experience with it yet it seems? Thanks.
I just bought a 2009 Prius (March 2009) and there was no sales tax. Dealer didn't make any issue of it. Just ensured that I knew about it. It all went very smoothly.
My wife told me this morning she heard on the news that the Washington State legislature is considering repealing the sales tax exemption for high-mpg vehicles, because of the need for more tax revenue. Perhaps now is the time to buy. Has anyone found a dealer willing to go below MSRP?
Yup, stay tuned on the legislature. Early last month, the Costco deal was well below MSRP. But I'm waiting for a 2010.
You can visit my thread on WA state community but it sounds like we are in the clear for tax exemptions to continue at least through the end of 2009! Wohoo!!!
I have a friend who has a couple "ins" in the WA state government and rumor is (of course, depending on who you ask) that they aren't going to take it away at all. In fact, they might even ADD more cars and make less restrictions and (this is for you) EXTEND it. Because this exemption is keeping in line with our President's "go green!" and "less reliance on foreign oil" strategies.:cheer2:
At least one proposal is visible to those of us outside the Washington State government. HB2059, a "clean air" bill, would have exempted the first $2000 of sales tax for those of us buying a car with an EPA highway rating of 30 mpg or more, and trading in a working car at least 15 years old that doesn't meet certain EPA emissions standards. This incentive would run into mid-2015, though with some annual dollar limits. But don't get excited yet. The bill was introduced and referred to Finance, then went nowhere. No hearings, no Fiscal Reports, no Bill Notes, no nothing. With the legislature out of session, it is dead for the year. Any special session will be to find more revenue, not reduce it.
Unfortunately, the Legislature took this tax exemption away, effective August 1 -- see new thread. It passed the Senate on April 19, the House on April 26, and was signed by the Governor on May 12. Notice that those vote dates were before many of the posts above. They knew they were taking it away, but kept us in the dark by making sure our keyword searches could not find it on the Legislature's Billfinder.
We got our 2009 Prius in February through Larson Toyota in Tacoma (ask for Aaron). It was a Costco deal, and the basic car price was well below MSRP. After adding scheduled maintenance and a few other things, we ended up a bit above what the car's MSRP would have been. Tax wasn't an issue.
I swear Wa State is run by a bunch of idiots. So much for getting my 2010 around September time frame and saving tax.
well it a done deal now. i went ahead and got my 2010. with the priority purchase and $2600 sales tax credit (the dealer was nice enough to add that to the bill then credit it as if it was THEIR idea...) got a decent price on what i'm sure will be a non-negotiable car for a long while.... but that does not help me with my EV purchase i plan for next summer... hopefully they will have pulled their head out of their asses by then