I think the 2010 is a nice car however, I am not sure if after seeing one in person if I really like it more then my 2004. I have the cash to buy it but really not feeling it. Anyone else feel this way?????
Yea, but maybe for different reasons. With plans for a sabbaticle next year it makes little financial sense. Plus, I have so many upgrades on my '04 that I won't have for the '10 for a long time, if ever, that I hate to part with those features. My last tank on my '04 was over 76mpg, and I'm currently over 74, so even if the '10 does better, it's hard to imagine it's a lot better FE wise. Plus, I have a Tesla Model S on order that should come in late 2011 or early 2012, so I'm gonna just run the '04 into the ground and keep an eye out for a possible PHEV of the Prius III as our second or back-up vehicle.
I live in central Florida I have seen two, 1 owner sat with me a minute and showed me his new toy, it was nice but still have more love for Gen 2
I guess there are a few thing, no screen on non navi cars. I really dont love the headlights and many more things, however I hope they grow on me or I will have to buy a 09 and wait for gen 4
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The exciting parts are not visible: More important to those living in cooler climates, this will significantly improve mileage when temperatures go below 70F. When going up hills or traveling at 75+ mph: The cooled exhaust gas reduces the high temperature exhaust so the engine doesn't have to be enriched. This improved high-power fuel efficiency. Then when the engine is turning: Without a belt, both the cooling water and the AC compressor are electrically driven for exactly the amount of power needed and no more. The improved efficiency means that in cold weather, the car does not pay this cooling load penalty. There is no reason for replacing a perfectly good 2004-09 Prius. It is a terrific vehicle. But in our case, we have a 2001 Echo and it is time to pass it on to someone else. The 2010 Prius will join our 2003 Prius and we'll be a two-Prius family. Bob Wilson
Since I'm not going from a gen2 to a gen3 it is hard for me to compare the two. I know that I like the improvements on the gen3 but I can see where someone would get attached to a certain look or detail of a car they've been driving. Give it a test drive and if you don't like it, there are some great deals on 2009's.
I debated the 09/10 and decided on the 09. I traded my 04 last fall for the 09. I'll wait for the bugs to be worked out of the Gen III and then wait for the plug-in with some time on that model. In other words, I'll probably look at a 2014 or 15, unless something better comes along.
I will test drive it who knows, i might buy one but will use this one a bit with only 60K on her she is still rather new
Early hyper mile'er reports indicate it's way easier to get into the 80mpg range. But then for those of us who get into the 60's-70's that's what ... 10% ?
Bob. I also have a 2001 Echo with 156K miles and I also want to pass it on. Mine has an oil leak (slow) and squeals when using lights, A/C, or Rear Window defogger so I have to turn them off when stopping (except the lights of course). Hope yours is holding up better. So I really am anxious for my 2010. I'm hoping it lasts because it gets 32+ mileage. My other car is a 2006 Kia Spectra but it gets terrible mileage (about 23), I have a 90 mile daily commute and so I don't drive it much. Good luck on getting your new 2010. Rich N.
I have a 2006 with bluetooth, HID, and multidisc, everything except leather & nav, on which I put about 30-35k per year. At over 90k now, its blue book value has already dropped to 10k, but I still have five more years before it is completely paid off. My expectation is that the next gen Prius should save me some on gas, given that I drive up and down a huge hill every day and do half my driving at near 80 MPH with AC on all the time, and a larger engine won't need to strain as much to provide the needed power. A future plug-in option might save me even more, if I can convince my employer to charge me up for free at the office. And with the economy the way it is, I can't really justify making the leap at this time, not to mention the first year of any new generation is bound to be very buggy. I suspect that I have already hit bottom when it comes to the impact of miles driven to value on my 2006, and that in another year or another year after that or another year after that, the value creep on my car will be minimal so long as I keep it in good shape. Perhaps next year or a year or three after, when the economy is better and especially if the plug-in feature is out, perhaps then I could justify making the financial leap to the new generation. Hopefully by then, LED headlights will be available in the lesser option packages. Maybe they will even find a way to add some value to that enormous pricetag for nav. Until then, I'll just have to be jealous of everyone else.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?????? IT IS FLIPPIN AMAZING. DID U DRIVE IT? I have the car and it is the TOTAL BOMB:cheer2:
I'll be telling how much I 'feel it', if I sit in the 2010 and can stretch my legs out a bit. Tell ya where I'm not feeling it ... is with this 2009 .... as I talk with local metal fab shops to have seat seat rail mods. Not to mention hours working on seat so far, and it's only started. Dummy me for buying this car and being too tall for it. There's no debating that the 2010 is superior. Better chassis, more power, better seating. These are things the Gen2 can't touch without insane modifications.
I think you should test drive one when they become available, or even rent one, when they become available at a Rent a Car agency near you. Then you can compare the two vehicles and see if the improvements inspire you to purchase the newest addition. But you are already ahead of the game in that you have your 2004 and are already saving money at the pump and reducing CO2 contributions to the atmosphere. The 2010 will help save more money at the pump and reduce CO2 even more, but you need to decide if your money is better spent there or in other avenues (solar water heating? PV? Wind power? Bicycle for short trips? Raised flower beds to home grow food, etc).
I'm feeling it, and I just bought a 2009! Maybe when it comes time to retire the 2002 CRV in a few years. By then, the option packages will have been modified to meet my desires and my DH will inherit the 2009.