You better get to bed right away or Santa will skip your house and NO PRIUS FOR YOU I knew the "hold all cars to June 1" was a load of crap.
Wish I could change the topic to : PICKING MY CAR UP TODAY AT 1PM! (PICS ASAP) Thx everyone, will take one for the team today! All of you soooooon to follow, I promise. :drum::hippie::clap2::whoo::high5::target::car:
When the 2nd gens came out and some time after I think they were giving out these keychains that was basically the HSD logo (hybrid synergy drive) logo from the back of the car... It's just a cool item which I wish I would have gotten when i bought mine but alas they weren't doing it anymore! You can get them now but it's either from Toyota somehow or on eBay where they go for a few bucks and I dont want one 'that' bad haha
I'm so happy for you! Mine is supposed to be available for pick up tomorrow . . . and while I admit I had fantasies about being first, there's no doubt that you deserve the honor more!! Congratulations!!!:cheer2:
Hey, being #2 (or 3,4,5...) ain't so shabby. If you're getting yours tomorrow, you'll still go down in history.
This is what they're referring to. I actually have 2. One from my dealer when I got the 2004, and one in the mail from Toyota around the same time.