Congratulations! Really thrilled for you. You worked hard to have this. Let us know all the details . . . the good, the bad, and the not so ugly. Once again, congratulations!
As far as I know, there are only two wheels offered (on stock models) with the 2010 Prius. The 15" wheel (with the "donut" covers as shown in Julie's pic) and the 17" wheel. The 17" wheels and the LED headlights come ONLY on the Prius V.
A rough estimated range of $1,500 to $2,000 has been offered by someone who should have a pretty good idea of the dealer pricing on such "extras" as those wheels. Follow this link to see Jabber's post.
Ahh, you noticed that I dressed for the car, You guys, thx so much! I was racing home, sort of, to post pics since my blackberry wasnt cooperating. Here is what I see so far: Blue is great but it will be harder to keep clean because we live in the country. The pics following here are already covered in dust. Thats the downfall, small but downfall. The car is AMAZING. Feels so different from the previous models. I had the 07 and this feels so much more like it is solid, a HUGE difference. The sunroof, nav and bluetooth are the bomb! The extra room is fantastic. Eco mode is great, drove all the way home with it but it is definitely less power to save energy. Power mode is like a rocket, really quick. Totally different car. Not sure what I averaged. Still havent had time to look at manual. Too busy rushing home to you guys to post pics The phone synced so darn ez. Was talking to rcsting (Mike) from Sacramento on the phone on the way home. He said hurry, hurry, you gotta post pics,everyone is waitng. The neighbors came over, dad loved it but said too much computer stuff (love it) and now here are a few more pics. You will all get there, I promise. Very happy. I am just thinking the blue will take a bit more care to keep clean back in the woods but that is ok. Love you guys, you are the best. Now it is my turn to root for you. Onehsancare gets her tomorrow, YAY!
Usually the car dealers are closed on Sunday but my dealer was doing a showing at the fairgrounds close by so came over and sold the car to me Here are a few more ( my dog Max):
Congrats! Very nice. Betcha don't sleep much tonight! Nicer looking is subjective ... if you meant 17" tires/wheels? "eye of the beholder" I like what gets the best mpg's ... so who knows ... maybe when our Prius V gets here in a couple more days, we'll swap out our 17's for someone's 15's ...
Julie, you've got to be absolutely ecstatic. That is one beautiful car. Enjoy! Just wondering, did you happen to get any reaction from other Prius drivers while you were on your way home?
Congratulations Julie! You and the car both look great! My wife is now 100% certain about the blue after seeing that pic.
hehe my wife is the same way. She just wants me to buy the car but it's still 3 weeks away. Have you tried out the Nav system yet? How is it?
I think it's safe to say we're all living vicariously through you, congrats! The blue looks amazing, thanks so much for sharing the pics (not that you had much of a choice).
Now I'm regretting not flying up to Oregon to pick up my 2010... if my wife hears the word "Prius" one more time she'll smack me... congratulations, Julie, the car looks great on you!