PriusChat member, adsam, found these 2 great videos that have been uploaded to YouTube. The first one is a 32 minute Technical presentation on the 2010 Prius, and the 2nd video is a Q&A session. The Technical presentation is especially interesting and I have posted a 45-page pdf document that serves somewhat as an outline for the presentation. You can find the PDF at the bottom of this post. 2010 Prius Technical Overview FINAL.pdf (1.01 MB)
Good stuff! For some reason, my main machine (single core Athlon 64 3200+) and my G4 Mac Mini had problems where Firefox on both and Safari on Mac were totally hogging the CPU and maxing it out on the 2nd video. I ended up having to switch to my laptop (Core 2 Duo T7500).
Did you notice the discussion in the Q&A part (early in the second video) about the plug-in Prius? He confirmed a lithium-ion battery, and said the current prototype would get between 7 and 10 miles in EV mode. Also -- and this was a surprise to me -- he said they had 2 to 3 years of evaluation before determining whether to bring the PHEV Prius to the retail market. Hmm. So much for the 2011 or even 2012 PHEV Prius!!
I guess the company who did these videos must be connected to Toyota somehow because Toyota wouldn't let us take video during the presentation. These 2 videos are from a different journalist event from the one I attended in Napa, but they pretty much capture the 2 audio files I was going to post this week. I'll add the PDF that went along with the presentation in the original post. It's 45 pages
In linguistic circles it is often referred to as the "rising intonation". It used to be a characteristic speech pattern associated with Southern ladies, but today seems to be a characteristic of many throughout the country under the age of 40 ... male or female. My son does it. It used to be used to signify a query, implying "that is true, isn't it?". Now it seems to be SOP with many people. I just find it strange!
Nice videos! Thank you for posting these! . All-New Prius - The Third Generation Prius - 2010 Toyota Prius
Great Video! Anyone remotely considering buying a 2009 or 2010 should watch this comparism video. It tells you about the differences in the cars and shows and tells about your future car. Great stuff!:rockon::rockon: Attached 45-page Technical Overview PDF used as an outline for the first video. - Danny[/quote]