I'm heading north for 4 months and got my BatteryMinder today. I hooked it up ; RED to "under hood" hot point and found a good ground. I read the instructions regarding the "flashing green light" which means that the BatteryMinder finished its pulsing the battery and starting its "keep charged" program. The instructions also said that if you don't see a flashing green light within 72 hours AND you keep the BatteryMinder attached and plugged in, it could damage the battery. Because I'm leaving within 24 hours, I "pressed" the button to start the green light flashing which skips the battery pulsing phase. DID I DO THE RIGHT THING?
I'd give them a call. Had the same situation and thought it was the opposite. I thought the flashing green LED meant that the pulsing was in effect. I think the NON flashing light means the charger is charging and the battery has not yet reached the 'charged' voltage. Let us know what they tell you. Regards...
I gave them a call today and I was suppose to get a call back. Never occurred. I re-read the instructions and the green light is "steady" until the BatteryMinder goes through the 1st cycle to "rejuvenate" the battery then steady green when it goes into sense mode. I have another car that used a "regular" 12V car battery and the green light was steady for 3 hours then started to flash. Since the Pruis battery is very small and sealed, I didn't want to take a chance and started the "sense" mode by pressing the button on the BatteryMinder which changed steady green to flashing green.
Bob, I hope by now one of our really busy techs has gotten back to you. If not call me directly (631) 445-1064 (ET). I'm the co-designer of all BatteryMINDers and have been since the inception of our company fifteen (15) years ago. The button on model 12117, 12112 (if these are the models you are referring to) is there to allow you to bypass the charge stage and go directly to maintenace mode. This is helpful if you have an older battery (loaded with sulfate) that keeps the BM from automatically switching to the maintenance mode, due to the battery having high resistance (caused by sulfation). Note: Green "Blinking" LED just indicates your in maintenace mode and has nothing to with being in the "pulse" mode. Re. Model 12112 and 12117 (BatteryMINDer PLUS): These two models have "full-time" desulfation. Thus whether the unit is charging or just maintaining your battery it is always desulfating. You should only need to push the button if the unit does not go into the blinking-maintenace mode automatically. By pressing the button manually, you may not be allowing the unit to fully charge your battery. Thanks for your interest and purchase of a BatteryMINDer. For further insite check out our web site BatteryMINDers.Com BatteryMan10
This is a Battery Minder BatteryMINDer® Plus 12 Volt 1.33 Amp Charger-Maintainer-Conditioner (Desulfator) :: All :: Battery Chargers by BatteryMINDers.com I would have just hooked up the unit and left, without pushing the button. Keep in mind the unit can NOT charge a "dead" battery. As the instructions state, if the battery is discharged, it should first be recharged with a normal battery charger Depending on how badly sulfated the battery is, it can take a long time for the light to start blinking. If the battery is very badly sulfated, you're better off just getting a new battery I use older models of the Battery Minder on all my equipment, including my recently sold Prius. If you search the forum, I've posted my positive experience with the Battery Minder