Just got my new scan gauge today. Connected as manual suggested. I only get a connecting reading. I tried to force all the codes listed under other cars. Still not working. Yes I had the ready light on. I searched the forums and didn't find an answer. If I posted this in the wrong section feel free to move my thread moderators. Thanks Dave.
I think I had the same thing occur when I hooked up my scan guage the first time. I just left the car in Ready, unplugged it from the connector and plugged it in again. It worked fine from then on.
Same thing happened to me too on SGII hookup. I turned car off...unplugged SGII...plugged it back in...set SGII to hybrid...then pushed Prius power button...then powered car on with foot on brake and power button. When the ICE kicked in the SGII then recognized the hookup and it's been good from there on in. One note, because the Prius fuel tank bladder is not predictable (calculating miles driven divided by gallons added) you will have wide flucuations in your actual tank mpg. A rule of thumb that I use to zero in my SGII and get better actual mpg numbers... The Prius in-car mpg display runs about 2% optimistic to actual mpg. When you fill your next tank figure that number off the in-car guage and adjust your SGII % + or - based on the in-car guage. If you change the SGII fillup % every time you fill up your SGII will also fluctuate it's accuracy and not get close to accurate real-time mpg info. It's not ideal to never reset your SGII tank avgs. but if you want accurate real-time info. it's the way I go. Note: The SGII "miles remaining" and "fuel remaining" is not a good indicator of what you have left. If you run it close to empty at some point in a tank YOU WILL RUN OUT OF GAS before it reads empty...don't base your gas remaining off the SGII...not a good idea.
Thanks for the info. I called scan gauge today, they are sending out a new unit, with a postage paid box to return the defective unit in. I ordered the scan gauge from this forum Sunday, it came in the mail Wednesday. Looks like I am getting excellent customer service from both places I have dealt with. I will post how things work out after the new gauge arrives.
Update, I called scan gauge today, the order was not shipped to replace the new defective unit. I was once again reassured a replacement was on the way. I emailed the store here where I purchased the scan gauge, I will post when I recieve an email back from prius chat, or scan gauge.
No new scan gauge , and prius chat has not responded to my email regarding the scan tool not working. To say I am disappointed would be an understatement!
New scan gauge came today, and it works. Just need to work with it more to see all the info available to me.
Even though you went through alot to get the SGII running you are going to love it. Now that you have it running spend some time figuring out what you want to use on your display. Every time you're in your car it affects your mpg...it changes the way you drive and if you're going to commit to max mpg you have to do it full time...you'll love the results. Because the Prius doesn't have a tach I recommend you use rpm as one of your four functions. When you see your rmp creeping up on 2000 in 35-45 mph driving back off the throttle and then get back on it lightly to accelerate. Up hills you might hit 2100 and then go off the throttle and then back on and be at 1500 rpm...you'll see the instant mpg go from 21 to 45 then to 30ish (just an example)...every little bit counts to get max mpg. MPG is also a good one to use too because you can see what your right foot is doing by watching mpg. As you feather your foot you can see mpg increase until you find a sweet spot. As for the other two functions it's a matter of taste. I also use IGN because it helps me stay in EV mode longer. Mine reads 5 IGN when I'm in EV mode and I can feather the accelerator to continue gaining speed on flat or downhills without tripping the ICE. You'll see IGN jump from 5 to above 12 when you trip the ICE and get out of max mpg. You'll also see mpg go from 4300ish to 75 and rpm go from 0 to 1400ish when you trip the ICE and out of EV mode. It takes some getting used to but the SGII is ideal for staying in EV mode even if you trip the ICE you can get back in it and see the SGII react. My 4th function is FWT to montor temps since I run a grill block (optional but a great idea if you're in cooler climates like the Northeast). If you don't keep a fuel log...start now. The SGII is built to help you increase mpg and keeping track of fuel logs is essential to understanding mpg. Just a note, because of the Prius fuel bladder you will not get an accurate real mpg from miles driven divided by fuel added. But, the in-car mpg is about 2% optimistic so you can use that as a guide. Keep a fuel log with at least miles, fillup gallons, mfd reading at fillup. I keep avg. temp for the span of days I drove the tank also. Sorry for going on about the SGII and what I do but it's alot of fun when you get better mpg and even more fun when you continue to improve! Good luck!
Thanks for the tips. As this is my get to work and back car I didn't get to use the scangauge over the weekend. I would like to find ways to improve my MPG and would appreciate any tips.
Guys, I'm having a similar problem. I just got my SGII a couple days ago, and tried it today for the first time in my 2008 Touring. I connected it as per the manual guide, but to no avail, it just says "Connecting..." I tried mode on Auto and I tried forcing all modes on it as well, but nothing. I also made sure to select the fuel type as Hybrid. The SGII is working fine on a 2001 BMW. The SGiI has firmware 3.17. What could be wrong? Please offer any advice you may have. Thanks so much!
I have one in my 06 Prius I put it in my 02 Duramax and it would wipe the radios memory every time I started the truck, called scangauge and they immediately sent me a new cable, unit was good, cable was different for the duramax, scanguage was OK to deal with in that the unit was already three years old...
I bought an SG2 from scangauge.com. Few days later, it arrived by mail from Greece. Hooked up to my 2008 (might be a 2007 model) European GenII Prius. I think I have tried most of the suggested solutions I can found around here. Is there a surefire method to get it working? (or atleast see if it is defective).