This one is for Doug Coleman: Since the decision not to include signal mirrors on the 2010 Prius was a price issue. Would you consider offering them at the dealers parts as an after market item. That way we could install ourselves or have the dealer install.
I think the real reason for no signal mirrors is.... you have to buy the Lexus hs250 to get them. They must be a symbol of Lexus Luxury. Have any Toyotas been offered in the US with signal mirrors? Come on it's a 15 dollar part.
IIRC, the Scion has them. What is that, Scion snobbery? Seems strange that both the upper and lower levels have them, but the solid center doesn't. As to the Prius not having them -- Jeez, even the VW Beetle does -- maybe it's a weight issue.
So that if you signal a lane change into an occupied lane where the occupying driver cannot see your rear signal (i.e. it is behind his head, or his A pillar, or he is one of the many people with poor peripheral vision), he still has some warning that you are barging into his space. It also helps on 3+ lane highways when two cars signal simultaneous lane changes into the same space from opposite sides. On many vehicles, both the front and rear signals are nearly invisible from the side. Of course, with few Americans using signals at all, the benefits are limited.
We don't have the signal repeaters on the front fenders like the European cars do. The mirrors function the same but because they're mounted on the mirrors, they're a little more visible (both from the front and in most designs, from the rear) so that a car travelling alongside you knows that you have the intention to change lanes. Many times did I get glares from folks thinking I was being an *** for not letting them in when really I didn't even see them signalling because I was past the rear set of indicators and I can't see the front set. In addition, when making a left turn, your mirrors are more visible to oncoming traffic. Toyota Sienna XLE Limited
Hello Fuzzy: Thanks to you and Tideland for your responses. They were helpful. Might I also suggest a $2 solution that will help with the lane changing? It is a 2 inch round wide-angle mirror, that you stick on to your driver's side mirror. I have used them for years. I stick them to the lower left hand corner of the driver's side (left side) mirror. They enable me not only to see someone in my "blind" spot, but also the "merging blind spot" from two lanes over. I have the habit of always casting a quick glance at the wide angle mirror when changing lanes to the left, and for other maneuvers. It has saved me several times when someone has unexpectedly jumped into the left lane blind spot, or is merging right when I am merging left. I also properly adjust my right hand mirror to see the right lane blind spot. Since most cars in the U.S. that have factory installed right hand mirrors already have wide-angle models on the right, there is no need for a stick on one on this side. I agree that mirror mounted indicators can provide an additional measure of safety. I especially like increased visibility these can provide for oncoming traffic. Often it seems that front turn signal indicators on many cars are not very visible in the daytime.
Using wide, minimally overlapping mirror settings with a peripheral glance to the desired side is all I've ever needed.
Same here. I prefer zero overlap, with a narrow gap much smaller than any motorcycles in the adjacent lane. Cycles two lanes away can hide, so drivers who spend much time driving at night on roads this wide should set for no gap. In dense urban traffic, I have a far bigger problem with signals eclipsed by the A pillar or left side mirror, which hide until they start moving into my lane. A few SUV models have signals mounted so high they hide behind my rearview mirror, so as they move into my space, I have already laid on the horn before their signal pops out from behind my mirror. Yet they think they have sufficient space for a safe lane change.
That works but the issue isn't us lane changing. It's getting our intentions out to the other drivers who would otherwise not see our indicators.
Thank you. Absolutely right. These exist not for us, but for those who aren't as aware as they should be. ok they look cool too
I don't think I'd use a signal mirror. Where I live, in Kanas City, if you use your turn signal when changing lanes, the motorists see that as a signal to speed up and not let you in. They aren't very nice. When I drive in the San Francisco area, I'd use it. The people are much nicer and if you use your turn signal they actually slow down to let you in. I'm thinking of moving to Denver. Does anyone know if drivers in Denver let you change lanes if you turn on your signal?
Oh no, another one of these signal mirror threads revived! Lol But heyyyyy Tideland, cmon' really, I'm seeing a trend here.
I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'd never heard of signal mirrors before and did a search for them on the site like I thought I was supposed to instead of posting a new thread.
Nono, you didn't offend, it's just something going on right now about someone who intentionally kept starting multiple threads about this same subject. You just happened to revive one other than the more current one. Its all good...
Australia gets signal mirrors and South Aussie drivers know that when someone indicates they want to change lanes into the lane your in in front of you, you must accelerate to close the gap. Therefore no one indicates their intention to change lanes. In Sydney when you indicate people make room for you. I'm trying to introduce Sydney style driving to Adelaide.
we could but it's better earlier on otherwise the thread won't make sense (as the posts will be intersperse depending on response time, esp. if the person doesn't quote the poster they're replying to)
Finally someone has understood the intent of signal mirrors. Thanks. For what ever it is worth: signal mirrors are available in Japan & Europe. Why can't Toyota make the mirrors available at our Toyota dealerships. That way we have the option of purchasing them from the parts dept. We can install ourselves or have the dealer install. wake up Toyota.