Everyday I drive more than 100 miles. Do you think is it worth to buy the 2010 Prius for 23k? I believe it is too expensive. An early reply appreciated. Thanks, Aksharam
You will likely not save money buying a Prius. It's cool technology and fun but if you want to save cash buy a smaller - used vehicle like a yaris.
Depends on your needs and wants. If you want more hauling space than you can get in a sedan, good gas mileage, very fun tech (smart key system especially) then it is a good buy. Of course, you can find each of those things in other cars, but not many options for all of them in one place. I would suggest test driving one, and then test drive any other cars you may be interested in. For me, the 2008 I have was definately worth the money, for you it may not be. It all depends on your personal priorities in a car.
I agree with your view. Within 5 years Pirus will have 120 thousands miles and it will have very less resale value. Anyway tomorrow i am going to local dealer for 2009 (I came to know that they are giving 0%apr for 60 months). For me It is very attractive deal. Let us see.
I recently asked myself this same question, for me the answer was no. I looked at the 2010 Prius, 2009 Prius, Honda Insight, 2009 VW Jetta TDI Clean Diesel, and the 2009 Honda Fit. I chose the Fit since the other cars could not match its low price (I paid several hundred below invoice, too) and its decent MPG. According to the trip computer I got 42.0 MPG on my 62 mile drive home from work today, that's close enough to hybrid territory for me to make the hybrid premium just not worth it.
Out of 100%, I travel 5% in local road and rest of the travel in highway. My question is, How stable in Highway(Prius)?
If you nose around on here, you'll find some people have complaints about the Gen II highway handling on long trips. Can be subject to cross winds, suspension not quite stiff enough, not enough "dead band" in the electronic steering (requiring more attention to steering than on other cars). The 2010 is supposed to be much improved in this regard.
I drive 100-150 miles a day also. YES, because it is an amazing car. It is worth every penny knowing you are doing something good for the environment plus you can smile as you pass the suv's and hummers in the world It is especially sweet when you are at the gas station and gas is high, looking over at the poor guy with the huge car looking longingly at your car. The car itself is the BEST. I honestly would never own any other car ever, than a Prius
I want my 2010 Prius. I know I may never get a cost benefit over a conventional high-mileage car, but I've always wanted one, I want to feel "green" and besides, my new office building has reserved hybrid parking spaces. Rich N.
I get 56 MPG for the last 2 years. The way I see it, Gas Cost me 50% Less Than any car getting 30 MPG. Gas cost me 75% Less Than an SUV getting 15 MPG. When gas was selling for 4.50 a gallon, I was paying 2.25 or 1.12. Than There is the car itself, Fun To Drive and I Love The Tech!
i've owned mine for 18 months and it is an amazing car, but it is extremely uncomfortable compared to my camry, the new model has a telescopic steering wheel which might help add comfort to those of us over 6 feet tall. i'm careful who i smile at as many of us here know, large vehicle owners are jealous and have no thought of running you off the road..OP will definately be better off with a corolla or civic or something of that sort and save the 10k extra that the prius commands...my next car will be a camry or accord..jmho
Didn't realize a corolla or civic was 13k, that is pretty good. Why do people assume the only difference between a 13k car and a prius is the hybrid tech? I love the tech in the car. The smart key tech is priceless, the regenerative braking is nice, I expect by brakes to last 100k miles at least (but I do drive very gently, your results may vary). I find the car very comfortable, as comfortable as my old Lexus IS. HOWEVER, I am not over 6 foot (5'11") so again, your results may vary. If you are looking for the lowest price, buy a 3-4 year old non-hybrid (hybrids tend to hold their value better than non-hybrids). If you are looking for a car with lots of advantages, ONE OF WHICH is the best mileage available, test drive the Prius.
When you ask if the Prius is worth it for $23k. That all depends on your definition of worth, as well as what you are comparing this car to. If you are comparing a $23k Prius II against a $12k Chevrolet Aveo, as a car to drive to and from work, 4 miles from home, then the answer is likely NO. If you are asking about this car versus a $39k BWM 325, then the Answer is yes. Generally speaking, if you look at the vehicle in terms of total costs (and not just the size of the vehicle monthly financing cost), then in most comparisons, the Prius is considered one of the ‘cheapest total ownership costs’ vehicles on the road. (2008 Best Overall Values of the Year) In fact, the Prius Generation 2 car (they will likely make similar statements about the Gen 3 models later this year when they release the newest cost rankings) has been consistently rated as the ‘most problem free car in USâ€, the “Cheapest car to ownâ€. So I would let you make up your mind. Short Answer: YES
Of course they do. It's funny with all the talk about MPG and how to maximize it, the biggest reason I drive my little space ship is because I know I am doing something good for the environment.
Right. Next time you punch someone in the face - pat yourself on the back for not kicking them in the sugar lumps. Some people!
HUH? I'm trying to understand the logic of what you just said. I said I am happy that I am doing something good for the environment (a good thing), and maybe making someone else think it's something they could do as well (also a good thing); not tooting my own horn or anything, just a statement and you correlate it to punching someone and and being proud that I didn't knee them in the jewels? Please explain how this makes sense?