When I am pointing out all the "bells and whistles" on the pkg 6 to my friends, I am often asked if the Prius has power seats...........they are surprised when i say, "No". Can anyone tell me why this is not an option? (weight? use of electricity?)
I just make an electric motor sound with mouth as I pull the seat lever and slowly slide back. I can't tell the difference. :mrgreen:
chrism07924 >>>>" I just make an electric motor sound with mouth as I pull the seat lever and slowly slide back. I can't tell the difference." That's the best laugh I've had today !!! I'll use that same technique from now on !!!
[font=Verdana:91e9f284dc][/color] <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(chrism07924\";p=\"87008)</div> diabolical!!! [font=Verdana:91e9f284dc] For the OP....Prior to purchase, I posted (either here or POL) questioning the lack of electric seats. My SO is a tiny (petite = PC?) lady who is very fond of her electric seats in her Camry....Her concern was not being able to find just the "right" seat position with only manual adjustments. Turns out, for her at least, it works just fine. I haven't actually investigated (...let sleeping dogs...) but assume the wizards at Toyota concocted some sort of inclined seat rail that raises seat position as one moves forward....that or she just got lucky and they designed it just for her<g> As to the optional, driver induced electric motor hum...... I have most of those that request the "quicky" demo convinced that Priacilla unlocks her wonders by voice command. Walking a few steps behind them as they approach her I say, "She's locked, but will open on voice command without a key if you ask her nicely." They'll invariably say "Open, car" or something close - then try the door and complain "Didn't work....it's locked". "Well" says I, "I did tell you that you had to ask nicely - you didn't say Please....oh, and I forgot to mention that you have to ask in Italian - it's an added anti-theft precaution". Stepping within range of the SKS and asking nicely (in Italian<s>)...she dutifully responds by unlocking the door. You gotta see the looks of amazement on their faces to get the full effect.
Heheh, I love that. I'll have to try that... though I've already forced most of my friends to ride with me in Voltaire. If I could only find some new friends.. I could mess with their minds, too!