But one result of this technological tour de force is a stirring of cognitive dissonance. Toyota touts the ecological awareness that motivated the company to include a solar-powered air vent and LED lighting. This will save a watt or two, here or there but will have zero measurable impact on fuel consumption. It is, in the parlance of politics, red meat for the base. These gadgets will prove to the true believers that the Prius remains the pre-eminent transportation option for the environmentally responsible. Or perhaps, for the more-environmentally-responsible-than-thou. This has long been my objection to the Prius. I have always enjoyed the second-generation Prius. Prius is my favorite car in Toyota’s lineup, but I can’t escape the feeling that to most people it is a giant political bumper sticker, and I prefer to keep my political opinions quieter than that. The source of the stirring of dissonance is that while the Prius touts its energy-saving capabilities, this latest edition includes a remote-controlled air conditioner that runs when the driver isn’t even in the car yet, using more electricity in those three minutes than will be saved by the LED taillights in an overnight road trip. It only gets worse in the winter, because the available leather-wrapped seats now boast electric seat heaters. These devices, among my favorite options in most new cars, are a contradiction in the Prius because the heating coils amount to a near-dead short in the electrical system that heats the wires built into the seat bottoms. It’s possibly the most profligate possible use of electricity, though one which I regularly enjoy in various test cars. This single feature probably draws more electricity than anything on the car save the electric motor, and it seems completely out of place on a Prius. Happy News - Improved Prius Packs Features
Maybe if this author concentrated more on the former statement than the latter, he could wrap his head around the fact that people who really want to save the earth through their choice of transportation ride a bicycle or take the bus. It's sad that people get most of their opinions from South Park.
Wow! Talk about an attitude! The author presumes to call the Prius engineers (and the Prius buyers, as well) hypocrites for having technically-advanced features on the most fuel-efficient production car widely available. When you have a vehicle like the Prius, with a large, powerful battery, it makes great sense to hook it up with electric gadgets. As the author has written: "This will save a watt or two, here or there but will have zero measurable impact on fuel consumption." Precisely! It will not significantly lower fuel efficiency. If these things were on other cars, there would be a lowering of fuel efficiency, because those items would work only if the gas engine were running! Imagine dissing GM or Ford for adding high-tech components to "affordable" cars! When do journalists take that attitude? I've seen, heard and read auto critics and journalists highly tout the Ford Fusion Hybrid for its high-tech dashboard and its high mileage. I think it is a great achievement for Ford, but how is it that the FFH gets such grades but the reviewers overlook the high cost? If you were to spend the same dollars on a Prius, you'd get it fairly-well loaded with electronics and comfort items. Oh . . . and it STILL would get better mileage and carry more cargo and have a better retained/residual value.
Some people will always hate something. As a previous owner of ford products for my last 10 cars and a relative of ford retiree I have made the difficult decision o abandon my loyalty and buy a 2010 prius over the milan hybrid or fusion hybrid. It was a difficult decision to abandon my loyalty to a company that provided me with great cars for a long time. But 50 mpg vs 40 mpg; more storage space and as my wife says a cuter car I made the decision to buy the prius even though I can buy a ford product below dealer cost as a family member of a retiree.
I'm in the same boat Pat. For years and years the only car I would buy was Chevy. Three years ago I was looking for a new car and I could not and would not continue to support a company that was not the best option for me...even if it was a US company. I bought a Toyota 4runner at the time and loved it. When I finally decided to make the jump to a hybrid the Prius stood alone at the top of the hill as the best available option. Had it been a Chevy hybrid at the top of the hill I would have bought it...but it wasn't. I buy local, I buy US...but I can't and won't take a hit in the wallet and continue to support failing companies with less superior products. Until I see something better...my back side is in a Toyota Prius.
Having read some of this author articles, I can only conclude that his commentary is biased. Try comparing to this (very forgiving) review: Honda?s Insight hybrid marks the sweet spot - MotorHead- msnbc.com
boy, what a stupid article. I mean really dumb. Criticizing the Prius for heated seats? Criticizing Prius owners for being too ostentiously political in their car choices? What about the Prius II and III. They don't have the features he was complaining about but still get 50MPG. Should we not buy the Prius because it doesn't look like other cars? (except the Insight, of course!). I'm just repeating others, I know, but I wanted to agree with folks above. Rich N.
I'm generally a fan of MSNBC, but I think they, and NBC in general are favoring the Insight. Think about it. NBC & Honda have a product placement deal in their new series "Parks & Recreation." The main character of that show drives an Insight. NBC also had one of the actors from "Heroes" participate in an Insight ad, where he drove his kids to baseball practice and what not. Perhaps this latest article is part of an overall deal for NBC Universal to help sell the Insight.
Oh no! Media favoring specific groups / businesses??? Next thing we know, they may begin that behavior in the political arena too.... (I agree with you...sure appears as if they're in bed together)
You cannot fix STUPID. Or, as Forrest Gump used to say, "Stupid is as Stupid does." What amazes me is how a person could put such brash, unbiased, unfounded, ignorant, and stupid statements on a media that thousand... millions of people will read.
Well, in NUMB3RS Charlie drives a Prius. So is CBS favoring Toyota? I'm sure they're getting some money from it. Rich N.