Can someone point me to a list of Toyota dealer volume rankings here in the US? Particularly in the Southeast if possible? Thanks, Scott
Car Soup shows Toyota Dealer volume ranked by State as well as District ( within which the dealership). This seems to be a pure number of units sold.
I browsed the car soup site. I don't see where it can pull up volume per dealer.. Actually, I would be very surprised if they had it since it is only accessible by other dealers... And I don't think Toyota is going to make that public info any time soon.
Honestly, it's irrelevant to the consumer. If a dealer or sales person spouts off that they are the largest volume dealer in blah-blah region, it means nothing. The salesperson may wish to use it as negotiation to tell you he has the best deal because he is the largest.....but hay, that's negotiations
Aren't dealorships private enterprises? If I owned a franchise, I wouldn't want the franchisor to publicly report my sales. And I wounldn't sign a contract that let them do so. I am a small business owner and am guarded about what information I release publicly. Since service quality is important, I would want to know how the store ranked in terms of customer satisfaction and other key indicators.
Good Points dbacksfan-- You know the DMV in Wisconny mines this info and send it to our dealership montly. The date includes VIN and address that the car was sold to. Name & phone numbers are with-held but this is how aftermarket warranty companies find you and call to sell you another warranty.
As far as I can tell, these hucksters are going after anyone with a pulse, or a snail mail address, or a phone number. But I suppose it is possible that I'm getting fewer offers than folks with cars younger than a decade.
Toyota does an annual ranking of all the 1250 stores. It's usually available somewhere. The dealers like to know where they stand if only for bragging rights when they all meet. First is LONGO in the LA area. It's the largest auto dealership on earth!!! They sell absolutely stupid numbers. Typically they are 10 times bigger than an average store. Each region every month gets a ranking of the stores within that region. Out of region it depends on a lot of digging.
Longo may be first for Toyota but Santa Monica Toyota is the largest in the country for Prius sales. That said, still not expecting a discount of any kind off MSRP.
I am not saying you are wrong, but I would like to see those numbers to back up that fact. For example: Longo sold over 3 times as many cars/trucks as Santa Monica in April. Five times as many year to date. That leads me to believe that Longo is also the biggest volume in Prius sales also due to the way our allocation system works. Directed at anyone who reads this thread: Sorry for my short post earlier, had a customer walk in for delivery. My comment was meant to be sarcastic..