How in the hell do you program the homelink function?? Please explain to me how you guys did it. Thanks!
I had a difficult time with it initially as well. Make sure you are not IN the garage. Move the car out to the driveway. Follow the instructions and when it says to hold the button, hold for what will seem like a LONG time. I know I had to hold it a lot longer than it said in the manual. Just hold the button, it WILL blink! Best wishes!
Depending on your garage door opener, you may have to push a button on the opener to 'pair' it up with the car.
You can find the instructions and videos here HomeLink; Home automation,Wireless control system, universal transceiver, RF control, Home security, smart home, vehicle to home, home automation, remote control lighting and home control
I hope by now you've gotten your device to work. I spent over an hour trying to get mine to work - then someone reminded me of a different procedure for garage door openers with a rolling code security. Sure enough, that was my problem. In less than 5 minutes I had the thing working. Let me know if you need more details.
In my 2009 Prius manual, it outlines the entire procedure for "rolling code" openers. It even tells you how to diagnose if your opener utilizes rolling codes. I followed the procedure exactly as written, and it worked. But it was a little confusing. I had to read it through two or three times to be certain that I understood it. I think that the layout of the Prius manual does lack in many areas. Sort of like a "Where's Waldo" search!
I have LiftMaster shaftMounted Garage Door opener with rolling codes. I was able to follow the instruction for rolling code and able to get it working. But I am still not sure, it is working correctly. Everytime to open/close the Garage I need to press and hold the HomeLink button for more than 2-3 secs, vs just a quick single press with both remotes that came with opener(one is sophisticated 3 button with leds, proximity sensor and another standard LiftMaster rolling code remote, aka purple button compatible). Also, these Homelink buttons requires more pressure than usual garagedoor opener remotes, and because of that I have to hold the back of the mirror(with fingers) , press and hold Homelink button. In addition to the pressure, I am not sure if the postion of the button is ergonomic at all. I would have preffered it somewhere I can press with a single finger.
Hello Chinna: My experience is exactly the same. I have to hold the button for two seconds. Maybe someone knows an additional programming nuance that could change this functionality?
The Homelink buttons aren't really designed for pressing, since that could move the mirror out of position. They're the kinda buttons that you squeeze. Also, it may take 2-3 seconds for the garage door to show a response, but a 1 - 1.5 sec squeeze should be all you need. On my building's opener, I'll squeeze the homelink button, and by the time I place my hand back on the wheel, the door starts opening.
Can you provide details on what kind of opener it is? Is it rolling code opener(aka purple button) or good old standard opener where you can teach HomeLink with other remote? Thanks
I either "squeeze" or "press". They both work with my mirror. Since the car is new, the mirror is fairly well fixed on the arm, and doesn't move easily. That may change as the car ages. I have the same experience in terms of holding the button. Never done an exact measurement, but 1 to 1.5 seconds sounds right. I'm very used to it now, so I don't really think about it. But when you are used to using the garage door fobs that came with the opener, it does take a while to get used to having to "hold" the Homelink button, since you don't have to do that with the OEM fobs. I just don't know if there is a "hidden" Homelink programming function that sets the "duration" of the transmission. If anyone knows that there is, and could share it here, many would be grateful.
It's actually both. I have it programmed for my condo garage (non-rolling), and my parent's house (rolling code).