BUMMER NEWS! I just got an email from my dealer in Calif whom I was going to go pick up the car this Sat. They are not selling them until June. My car is sitting on the boat in the port but they cant sell it. Below is the email (names removed to protect the innocent) Julie, I just hung up the phone with the Distribution Manager for Toyota n. Ca. Toyota from the factory level has made the decision that all dealers will receive their first Prius the first week of June. They will not negotiate because I think they want all of the dealerships to have the opportunity to go to training and see the car at a factory sponsored ride and drive prior to any customer taking delivery. I know this won't be easy for you in regard to the extra 3 weeks, however, at least you have been guaranteed the first car to arrive.
Damn, sorry to hear that Julie but from where you were just a short time ago, at least you do know you have one now right? Try and make a positive out of this negative.
I'm good. There is nothing I can do about it so doesnt do any good to be bummed. Positive attitude Yes, he said I still have it. I am curious though if this is just a west coast thing or not. No, I am ok, I appreciate the nice thoughts. Gives me more time to save money and drive my husband's car.
Well ... glad it was them that let you down in stead of one of us ... but frankly, the timing did seem a little spurious. Other sources have already mentioned the super early ones won't be for at LEAST another week, and much likely, even longer. Keep your chin up, they're on their way.
Any possibility this is simply Toyota's way of stockpiling cars and then generating a large 1 month sales number to outshine Honda?
Sigh. My car got totaled in a snowstorm in March, so now I'm renting a car by the month until the 2010 arrives. Plus, I'm taking my friends out to dinner to make up for having worn out their ears talking about Priuses for the past 3 years. Now I have to wait longer for both the car and the dinner.
Hang in there. Last year, first week of June, the national shortage of 08's was in full swing. I was talking to a fleet manager in Hayward CA. He gets a call from some dealer in, like, Georgia, looking for a specific color/package. Hayward Toyota literally said 'we are not selling original equipment Prius' anymore, only aftermarket units with steep markup'. I think it was the newbie section here that had the thread 'Waiting List Support Group'. It was insane.
Is your car at the Long Beach port? Maybe I can take a picture of it when I'm driving by the city LOL. I thought there were going to be in lots late May. By the way, which dealer are you buying from? If it is one of the large ones they probably still have 09s still on inventory. EQ
Does anyone know if this is for real or just one dealerships BS. Jabber, where are you ? Is this the case in Chicago area as well ?
I met today with the dealer contact for my Prius Priority order. Late May was the expected delivery window, but no exact date yet. More later about the very positive contact with my dealer.... BTW: no price surprises Lee
Winebuff, I hear that Honda dealers are loaded with 2010 Insights and are being discounted. Why don't you get one of those instead of waiting ? I am sure your ordered Prius will find a loving home.
It seems a little early to be running into sales problems. Wait until the Prius comes out and you can probably buy an Insight for even less ... at the dealer bankruptcy auction. Bob Wilson
Do you ever wonder why a particular brand new car is held in high stock levels and attracting big discounts? There are crappy "big three" cars all over the country with massive discounts offered too. I'd wait for the Prius. I'm not biased, I'm informed.
Toyota did the same thing when the Venza was launched so no it is not dealer BS. Dealers inherintly being what they are would like to get th new vehicles off the lot as quickly as possible. It does them no good to have inventory sitting. It i my opinion that Toyota does this to give fair opportunity to all its dealers around the country.
Julie, So sorry! It really stinks that the cars are just sitting there but there has to be some satisfaction in knowing you have a car . Looks like a lot of us will receive the car at the same time. (Hope I'm included)
It should be obvious. Step back and look at the big picture. JUNE 1st IS WHEN GM FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY! Releasing the new Prius on that very same day is totally worth a minor delay. It's the ultimate confirmation that the automotive industry changed rather dramatically... a huge move in a direction away from what GM had been heavily pushing. .