Re: Mine just got folded. I was parked in a retail parking lot. I didn't notice it until I was out in traffic and wanted to get into the right lane. I was shocked. It was stuck against the passenger window. So I kept going until I could make a left turn into a retail lot. Took a chance and just tried real hard to move it back into place. It clicked right into place. I was shocked again. Couldn't be so simple. Had to be damage. I don't think so. I adjusted the view. Should I expect any problems? If not, it must be that "they" know about this. My other cars it was sort of a different connection, like swivel.
Re: Side mirror got ripped off! OUCH! I could have 'found' you one for way less Old joke. When folks at work would get their bikes stolen from other employees (we're on many many acres) the boss would always say, "well? ... go 'find' one" rather than order us new ones. Ah integrity ~ we once knew you well
Maybe we should just get rid of rear-view mirrors. You don't really need to see where you've been. You just need to look cool getting there.... Keith