[ KB ] How to Install a Navigation System Defeat Switch

Discussion in 'Knowledge Base Articles Discussion' started by Danny, Mar 10, 2004.

  1. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Good to know that part works.. because the software get-a-round does not seem to work as there is no "overide" button I can find in the hidden menu.

    Anyway, I intend to install mine in a slightly different spot..

    I"ve already encountered a hitch... apparently the 06 wires are slightly different than the earlier models.

    If I understand right Aquarians2 has an 09 and he simply cut the purple wire so maybe thats it?
    This is a pic of the large wiring harness that comes off the back of the DVD player... I only see one purple wire instead of two.... what am I missing?

  2. priuslovers

    priuslovers Way Out Member

    Sep 3, 2008
    Hercules, California
    2013 Prius

    I have an 05 package - 6 that I would like to disable the nav and bluetooth disable. The links that have been posted all seem to be gone. Does someone have a usable link with pictures to show me how to do this?

    Thank you - Priuslovers
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Anyway... I can't believe I never knew about this mod.
    I don't care about being able to add phone numbers on the go... I either already have them assigned or I can just use my phone.
    My big issue is that I want to be able to monkey with the addresses and all the other menu functions of the nav while on the go.

    The Purple wire did the trick on my 06!.. works perfectly!

    First of all.. thanks to Evan for explaining it a bit as I didn't seem to quite understand by reading the forums. If all you want to do is get back your maps and menus, the purple wire near the DVD player does the trick. If you also want to be able to access phone numbers etc, then the smaller purple wire "found elsewhere as mentioned in previous instructions" must be switched.
    There is only "one" purple wire found near the DVD.. this is the wire we will be cutting.

    I will attempt to explain how I did mine.

    I installed my switch "radio shack" in a different spot altogether allowing me to totally bypass tearing into the center console at all.

    1. I unscrewed the bolts to my seat.. there are 4.
    I used an electric drill with a socket, but anything will work... once undone, I lifted the seat and lay it back resting on the back seat while still in the floorboard. That got it out of my way for plenty of room.

    2. I took a coat hanger and straightened it with a pair of pliers and accessed the hole in the carpet near the dvd "closest" to the console.
    There is insulation padding under the carpet, so make sure you take your fingers and lift the carpet and insulation to get the coat hanger wire underneath it all or it will get stuck.

    3. Pop the top of the middle plastic panel loose as shown and undo the carpet from the button that holds it underneath and stick your hand down between the carpet and the floorboard to try and meet the coathanger wire so you can grab it and pull it up. Note, you only need half of the panel loose.. no need to take the whole panel off.

    4. With a little trial and error, you will fish the wire through and pull it through so you can hook your wire to the other end that will go to your switch.
    Cut off enough wire to travel from where the switch will be to the large plugin that goes into the DVD player... add about 1 foot for good measure, then double the whole length so you are pulling "two wires through, as you will need to go to the switch and then return.

    My wire was about 6 feet long, bent over in the middle and I hooked it to the coathanger wire which I bent over with a pair of pliers.

    5. Then covered it in electrical tape so jagged ends would not catch when I pulled it through.

    6. Once pulled through, you may want to fish it one more time so it also travels under the 8 inches or so of carpet to put the wires directly in the same spot the other OEM wires are.

    7. Once you get your wires pulled through to where you can access them its time to cut your purple wire.

    8. Here are some crimp connectors radio shack sells but I decided to soldier and use heat shrink instead... "be care with heat around those little wires when you shrink the tubing!" Especially if you use a propane torch like I did!.. had to turn it down very low!
    The purple wire is not solid. I put soldering flux and soldiered all my tips and then connected with the hot iron.. but to each his own.

    9. Whether you use crimp connectors or soldier, once your done here, you can remount your seat if you like "or do it later".

    10. Now its time to mount the switch. I used the radio shack switch "with a dot" to designate being on or connected... chose which you like. Mine required a 3/4 inch hole to be drilled. I used a wood auger with a flat blade.... "worked perfect".. be careful when almost done as you don't let the bit go through and chew up your fingers or other wires behind the panel!

    11. I took a couple of connectors to hook my wire to the switch rather than soldier at this point.. If I ever need to take that panel lose further, it would be a pain if I couldn't easily disconnect the switch.
    Here you can see the wires dangeling and the hole cut right before the switch is mounted.

    12. Once the switch is mounted, pop the cover back on and your done!

    Remember, when you flip the switch to sever the sensor wire, its normal to loose your location on the nav as it thinks you are setting still. Once you finish adding your addresses or doing whatever you do, flip the switch back to re-establish the sensor wire and the nav will find you.. it may take 20 - 30 seconds or so.
  5. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    good job, glad it worked out for you though removing and remounting the seat sounds like more work that taking out the arm rest/center console was...but whatever.

    One last thing to add about the functionality when you disrupt that speed sensor wire.
    Once you flip your switch you immediately have access to the full functionality as if you're stopped, but after about a minute the computer will "figure out" that you really are moving (presumably from the GPS signal) and will gray things back out again. So if you're not fast enough right in the middle of typing the address in you go gray. Just flip the switch back to it's normal, closed, position for a few seconds then flip it again to regain access.
  6. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Thanks for the tip Evan.... I did catch that in one of your other posts, however I will have to see how long it takes because so far, it stays on for quite a while.. but I haven't actually timed it yet.

    As far as the seats... I think you must be tapping into the DVD wires under the console or some where else because if you access them one inch behind the large connector that goes into the back of the DVD, you just about need the seat out of the way to be able to do the job there. I think I remember you saying to tapped in to the right of the nav system to access the bluetooth too... "which I didn't figure I needed or would use"

    Removing the seat really was simple though. I did go as far as taking out the bottom drawer to the console and looked to see where I could mount it without the drawer hitting and realized with a 3/4 inch hole, I was pretty limited as to where I could drill have have an object sticking out behind that point. I decided it was more comfortable for me to access the switch where I mounted it.. "to each his own".

    If anyone does it the way I did it, I do recommend cutting enough wire for spare and not to cut it back until you see just how much you need when the panel is remounted.
    I almost didn't have enough as when the panel is remounted it goes back higher than you might think, plus there is a round steel bar behind that point that can take us some extra room too for the wire to go around.

    Also, if you soldier and use heatshink tubing... a cigarette lighter or match would be greatly advisable instead of the propane torch I used to shrink the tubing when done.... one wrong move and I could have toasted some of the other small delicate wires!
  7. Genoz World

    Genoz World ZEN-style living

    Feb 21, 2008
    La Canada
    Other Hybrid
    WOW. first time i noticed this thread. this is very informative!

    what else have i missed about these type of customizations?
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Thats what I said Geno... I can't believe I missed this.

    Can anyone tell me if theres responds as mine?

    I flipped my switch and had full icon control to do anything I wanted while moving... for 20 minutes!!!! before I finally gave up!... but BEST OF ALL.... when I went back to my maps before flipping it back to normal.... my nav was mapping me perfect!
    It had the cursor exactly where I was following my every move while moving and I "still" had full control!

    So to test, I turned it back to normal and again flipped it and kept it on the map view as I watched my now frozen cursor.. it took about 3 full minutes and the map began following me perfectly again!

    Its almost like you don't even need the switch if you didn't mind the 3 minute delay for the nav finding you when you first start out. you could cut the wire and call it good!

    I will continue to experiment with it... I haven't tried starting the car yet which the sensor switch engaged yet to see how it responds..... but it appears you could leave the switch engaged on a long trip without the need to run in normal mode at all!

    Did I just miss this, or is this new for the 06 and later?

    Or is this how everyone else's responds too?
  9. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    You will lose the dead-reckoning ability if you permanantly cut the wire. So if you're in an area with in a lot of buildings, or mountains or otherwise spotty satellite coverage it will not track you as well...you may make several turns before the system finds you again.
  10. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Ah yes.. I forgot about that.... the ability for it to count the revolutions of the wheels to make an accurate assessment of your location... as in a tunnel or other area where the satellites cannot see!

    I haven't read much at all about the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_reckoning"]dead reckoning[/ame] feature.
  11. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    It also takes into account turns.
  12. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    yes, it looks like if you kill the sensor and then travel a mile down the road and turn it back on, the dead reckoning immediately takes over and if you immediately take a turn to the left or right the dead reckoning will follow you.
    It may look like your driving out into a field or a lake because it still "thinks" you are a mile back where it last had you pinpointed. Then once satellite updates, it puts you in proper relation to your true area.

    In other words, dead reckoning works great if it stays intact "by not turning off the switch" but is dependent upon satellite to update it, if there is a gap in the speed sensing.