I apologize for asking what must be a dumb question, but how do you unlock a Prius that does not have Smart Key? Yesterday my daughter rented a Prius at the Albany NY airport. (They asked her if she "minded" driving a Prius!!). The car was unlocked when she picked it up, and after fumbling around a little, she figured out there to insert that key block. It suddenly occurs to me that this afternoon I may get a phone call asking me how to unlock the door. So I am throwing myself on your mercy - how does she unlock the door?
You mean once she takes the key out from the dashboard? You just press the buttons on the fob and that will lock or unlock the doors. If she is in the car driving etc, she can just use the door lockk unlock button where the window switches are.
There are buttons on the fob, just like any wireless key fob. If the fob fails, there is the mechanical key. Tom
The Smart-Key Fobs also have those conventional "Lock, Unlock & Panic Alarm" buttons for the same actions.
That thwacking sound you hear is me giving myself a dope-slap. Of course the fob has buttons on it - duh! Now I really feel like an idiot. I guess it's true - technology makes you stupid!
We are all so used to the smart key, we expect to walk up to our house door and expect it to open!! Grin.
No doubt....ever see the human in the Wall-E movie? Too much technologies and conveniences will only make us more lazy and stupid. Driving-ability will be one of them....when cars are smart enough to drive themselves for us.