Attention crew, PD in Engineering; Did anybody else get to see the new Star Trek movie yet??? My wife and I just got back from the 10:30AM showing at the Universal City Walk IMAX Theater. This is one damn fine movie. 2 hours 15 minutes went by so fast, that I am going back to a regular theater later this week to see it again, just to see what I missed. I have never gotten so engrossed in a flick like this one. Action, answers to questions you never thought to ask if your a Hardcore Trekker like me. Just like the newest X-Men movie, this is a "Origins" flick. How they got together, the relationships of the command crew, what drives them, how they meet. and the best part, they left several holes in the plot so big you could drive at least 2 or 3 sequels through! I won't give away any of the details, well OK, just one. They go though the "Kobayashi Maru" Scenario, the one that Kirk is the ONLY cadet in Starfleet to beat! I thought it was a really GREAT scene! But even if you never saw a Star Trek before, this is a great SciFi flick!!! Go out and escape the world for a couple hours, J.J.Abrams really did do a fine job directing this movie!!! They revitalized the franchise. Can't wait for the sequel!!! Doc Willie, you gonna go NUTS!!! PD in Engineering out
Your not kidding, it was great. I am SO happy that they now have a whole new direction to take the series and kinda reinvent it again. Abrams managed to make a movie fans love and I think new people who weren't into it before will like it enough to become fans after seeing it. Only thing is we did get to see how they met but even though it is similar its not exactly how they met, know what I mean. And that last scene, I don't want to give it away, but how the one guy tells 'his friend' to in other words just let yourself do what feels right. That right there can lead to so many different scenarios now for that character than the original series. If your the least bit into Star Trek though and loved the original when you were younger go out and see it, you'll appreciate seeing the characters young and how they acted right out of the academy... I'll add to see if I'm the only one, but the only character that 'annoyed' me a very little was Chekov (spelling on his name?). I thought his accent was just a little too much over the top for this version...
I can't wait to see it. I work a late afternoon shift monday, so I may try to hit an early afternoon showing.
Super flick! Pre-release hype is genuine teaser for the real show. I appreciated the character consistency with the original - even Bones' posture is similar! This is one I plan to see more than once... I haven't done that since Spiderman! Leonard Nimoy's role is no cameo walk on, and the new Spock is perfect! I just wish there was a "Price-Line" commercial running in the background in the bar scene to tie Wm Shatner in somehow! :thumb: Lee
I haven't actually gone to a theater to see a new movie in quite some time but I couldn't believe a matinee was $8 and the regular price was $10.50 I remember when matinees were actually a bargain! It was then I remembered why I don't go too often anymore to see them at the theater...
Anyone have any insight into my prior post about the trailer:
We tried to go see it tonight but it was sold out. We saw Wolverine instead (which was fine). But first we sneaked into the theater where Star Trek was showing and caught the first 5 minutes. It was awesome. Now I'm dying to see it. I so loved the original series.
Loved it They handled discrepencies (of which there weren't too many) in a very nice way that 'fit' in with the plot well. And so many of the details were so spot on with the characters. AND they opened up so many possibilities for future movies or dare I hope, new series!!
Hmmmm as a serious original series fan (I'm 40), I really had some reservations about the choices made in the new movie. It wasn't quite the home run that I was hoping for. I am so glad that it was made and it's so much better than all that TNG crap, but I still have some problems with it. I guess I expect too much.
The IMAX that I went to yesterday was AWESOME!!! The screen pretty much covered to the limits of my peripheral vision. The sound was equally as impressive. Go for it and let us know what you think!!
My wife dragged me to see it Saturday evening. WOW! I was impresssed by the special effects also the acting was pretty accurate to the character traits of the original cast. Spock's voice should have been a bit lower and more confident. I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel.
I have always been a star trek fan and I thought this was an extremely good movie. Lots of action and the actors did a good job of playing the original characters. My friend who has never seen Star Trek before also thought it was a great movie.
Wife and I saw it twice. Loved how they handled the space-time continum. Great movie to introduce the characters, how they became a crew, and how they made a name for themselves. I will not spill the beans here, but I noticed the same audience reaction (awe) when the special character first appears in the ice cave.
:mod: Interesting show today on the History Channel: "How William Shatner Changed the World" This was a great 2 hour show with interviews with scientists from many fields describing the effects of Star Trek on scientific thinking and how the creative "making it up" by the writers did influence the world! Did you know: The TRI-Corder first was recycled salt shakers from one episode to save on the prop budget? .... The concept of Transporter Beam was dreamed up because the props for shuttle craft were late to be delivered and they had to press on with filming a way to get the crew to the surface of a planet? Catch a re-run if you can. There were lots of film clips and interviews. Lee
I'm not a Star Trek fan, but I think the new Star Trek movie may be one of the greatest movies ever made (maybe as classic as other epic space flicks like "Star Wars"). The only other movie I've seen in theaters in the past year was "Coraline" which I also thought was increadibly good, though maybe not quite as stellar.