So, I guess I better stop calling Blue Ribbon boring! Really, it's not a bad color, just wish we still had a Seaside option.
I'd prefer Tideland Pearl or the old Salsa myself. But of the choices the blue is the only one that caught my eye. But it won't hurt my feelings if you call it boring.
Going back to the ol' blue, eh Doc? It's a really nice colour. I'm torn between that and Blizzard Pearl.
Not exactly in production, but on order (a Model S). And b/c my 2004 is doing great and b/c I'm going to be out of the country for 9 months starting next year and it just makes no sense at all to buy a brand new car, take a loss in depreciation and then sell it a few months after I get back from my sabattacle.
Here here now, we should cut "Bones" some slack. After all he is a man of Science! I certainly hope that 9 month "Sabbatical" includes sandy beaches, scantily clad women, and a glass that is never empty!!!
Thanks brother! And yea, there should be a bit of that. I'm working, probably on Australia's Gold Coast area, for 6 months, then we'll travel for the next 3 months. Should be good.
Dr Fusco, I too, like the darker blue. Is this the same Blue Ribbon blue used on current Camrys? I also like the Spectra Blue Mica used on 2009's. Is the Blue Ribbon blue lighter or darker than the Spectra Blue? mpruis (my surname is Pruis, my 2005 Salsa Prius plate is Prius) don't really like barcelona red, am prefering darker blue for next Prius