1. Poll results: Your #1 2010 Prius MODEL Choice: I (to be released later '09) 0 0% II (Base) 13 18.31% III (+ Upgraded stereo/Bluetooth) 11 15.49% IV (+ Leather, 3 door SKS, Homelink, etc) 28 39.44% V (+ 17" wheels, LED headlamps, foglamps) 17 23.94% Unsure - To Be Determined later 2 2.82% Voters: 71. ------------------------------------------------- 2. Poll Results: #1 Exterior COLOR CHOICE for your 2010 Prius BLACK 7 7.29% WINTER GRAY METALLIC 12 12.50% BLUE RIBBON METALLIC 27 28.13% CLASSIC SILVER METALLIC 19 19.79% BARCELONA RED METALLIC 14 14.58% BLIZZARD PEARL 21 21.88% SANDY BEACH METALLIC 6 6.25% - UNSURE RIGHT NOW 2 2.08% - I'LL TAKE WHATEVER COLOR IS AVAILABLE 0 0% Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 96. ------------------------------------------ 3. Poll Results: WHICH OPTION PACKAGES YOU PLAN TO INCLUDE on your 2010 Prius: Plan to get Navigation package 16 30.77% Plan to get Advanced Technology package 11 21.15% Plan to get Sunroof package 20 38.46% Plan to get NO major package options 11 21.15% - Not pleased that Nav is bundled with Solar Roof 6 11.54% - Not planning Solar Roof because DON'T WANT Nav 4 7.69% - Not pleased that Adv Tech & Solar Roof ARE NOT available together 14 26.92% Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 52
Darn, Blizzard was a popular option! lol It's always nice to not always see other cars in the same color as your own.
Well, I guess I won't be seeing a lot of the Sandy Beach around except my own...I always did like having something different! Noone else will like it, but it'll be different!
It looks like most people will be getting an option package w/Nav. Can't wait to hear feedback on the Nav system since the older models were panned.
You won't be completely alone: "She who must be obeyed" says "gold" it is. So you won't be THAT special.
So weird how that metallic gold will just wash completely out depending on the light. Would like it better if it would stay in gold or yellow tones, and not wash out to a flat tan. The other metallic colors don't seem nearly so chameleon-like. Oh, and somehow I don't think our cars will be seeing a lot of each other, unless I stop in on my way to Lake Louise some summer!