Finally, I have decided to order my prius package#6. The price at my dealer was $26666 two weeks ago. When I returned to the dealer to put down my deposit, the price has increased to $26766. My dealer also told me that they will sell me the new MSRP when I get my car. I think 4-8weeks later the MSRP should be a little higher than $26766. Not sure how much higer. Is this typical Prius deal?? Or I'm a sucker. pls help.
What else is on the car? Current MSRP is 20975 - base price 540 - destination charge 5065 - package 6 ----------------------- $26580 You are $186 higher - maybe the floor mat package?
It probably went up $100 b/c Toyota had a mid-cycle price increase of $100 (don't know exactly when it went into effect). So there should be no further price increases. I don't know if jfh3's base price is the old or the new price. A lot of dealerships also charge paperwork fees, so that might explain why your price is slightly higher than that quoted by jfh3. The dealer should be able to give you a price breakdown like provided by jfh3 so you can figure out if they're upcharging on anything.
Actually these are what I'm ordered on the paper with my signature $500 non refundable. Prius Package#6 (BC) Floormat - 5 pieces Rear Bumper applique - like a plastic mat. total for $26831. Is this sound reasonable??
The floormat package is around $180 I believe. Don't know how much the rear bumper thingy is. But with those two extras, your price sounds reasonable. The dealership should not be raising the price any more on you between when you put your deposit down and when they deliver the car. You should still be able to get an exact price from them for each item if you want to know the exact breakdown of cost of each item.
Received a call from the dealer that my prius has arrived. The price is $26766 white pack #6 +bumper aplique +5 pieces floormat. Can't wait to drive it home, and take half day off to stay in the car to have some fun.
I'm not a bright man... Jenny. So will someone please explain to me why people are even bothering with dealerships that take "non refundable" deposits?
I also finally put both feet in the water and ordered a Prius #6. $26,766 is also the price here in South Dakota. The floormats/cargo mat is about $180 and the bumper applique is about $65. It will probably be a 2006. I am leasing a car now and the last payment is Dec 14th. So I requested that it be here between Dec 15th and Jan. 14th. First choice of color is Salsa red and the 2nd choice is Silver.
Off topic: betshsu, is your kitty sitting in a sink? I have 3 black kitties so it caught my eye. (I don't think mine would dare sit in a sink).
My wife and I really like the car after getting it. One thing I found out is that the $26766 is only included package #6 and 5 pieces floormat. The rear bumper applique will cost extra to put it on. The distance from my dealer to my house is around 10 miles and I'm getting only 30MPG. Is it because of the engine is still in breaking in periods? Initially the car has 10 miles and I have put another 20 miles on it.
Don't worry about the mileage for the first 1000 miles at least. Just enjoy the new car smell, all the new gatgets and just the hybrid "geek" factor. After some break-in time, the mpg's will go up. No Worries!!! Welcome to the Hybrid World!! Great place to be!
I found out that my oil level in my brand new prius is above the high level. Is this normal or I have to drail it until the oil is below the high level? Today, I drove my Prius form Albuquerque NM to Santa Fe round trip for fun. I'm getting about 40MPG but the battery is almost drailed out? Only last 2 battery level left on the display when I got home. I was using the cruise control at 70-75MPH. The mileage of my car is 150miles. I hope this is all normal ? Or I worry too much?