Hello all. Does anyone know how to disable the childproof door lock on an 08 Prius? My 8 year old daughter can't open the passenger side back door from the inside to exit. She has to go through the driver's side, which usually faces the street. Any help would be appreciated... All the best, c ~
Thanks for the reply. I have looked for a lever, but I can't find it. Where is the back lip of the door? Thanks so much... c ~
Look in the owners manual under "rear door lock protectors". There's a nice picture of it there. At the same time you may want to peruse the manual for other tidbits about your car.
Chachabah16, Welcome here!! First of all, the rear doors have to be opened in order to see the levers (as do all the other cars that have this feature), but on the Prius they are not as obvious because there isn't a big hole/slot in the door with a bright shiney piece of metal protruding from the dark hole. On the Prius, instead of a hole there is a shiney black plastic oval contain'g a shiney black plastic lever (in the up position for normal exit, in the down position to keep the child in). These are at the back side of the doors & are verticle ovals about 1 inch long by 1/2 inch wide & have a horizontal rectangular sticker about twice that size with mostly black but some red printing on it above each lever (both of these being just below the door latch slot). I hope this helps. Edit : P.S. By all means, take Jeff's advice & read the whole manual as soon as you can get the chance. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Thanks Had the same problem, my used prius came with the rear doors disabled and I didn't know how to undo them. Fixed! And I plan on reading the owners manual, but it might take me some time - it's really dry reading. They need to spice it up a bit. -->Adam
Then there's those of us who download the 2010 manuals before the car's even out because we don't consider it dry reading! There's nothing wrong w/ knowing how your car operates. Understanding features can make the difference between distracted driving (knowing how/where climate control features are) or saving a life by using a feature correctly (i.e. seatbelt placement, child locks being set for adult passengers, etc.)