Every Sunday I watch This Week with George Stephanopoulos, which features a round-table discussion to talk about the week's news. George's literal right-hand man on the round-table is George Will, a conservative columnist for Newsweek. I have no problem with George Will. He spoke at my brother's college graduation and I enjoyed listening to him (I stayed awake through it, at least). When he is talking about issues he has a lot of knowledge about, he presents good arguments and admits when his "side of the aisle" is wrong. But hybrid cars, and the Prius in particular, is one area where George Will has no knowledge. In the past he has argued the tired theory that Hummers are more environmentally friendly, and this past Sunday, during a conversation regarding the auto industry, Will claimed that the Prius is only successful because Toyota doesn't make any profit off them. "[The Prius is] affordable because Toyota sells it at a loss, and it can afford to sell it at a loss because it is selling twice as many gas-guzzling pickup trucks of the sort our president detests. So as an auto executive, he's off to a rocky start." For those of you who didn't see it, PriusChat member marduk recently posted an article stating that Toyota and Honda make $3,100 on the sale of each hybrid they sell. Apparently Mr. Will does not read PriusChat, Green Car Congress, or any of the more than 2 dozen other publications who published that news last week. Alex Pastermack put together a great article over at TreeHugger refuting George Will's idiotic statement. I'll let him take over from here. George Will Disses the Prius, Obama and the Facts Photo from Alex Pastermack as well.
Will's opinions on technology are about as reliable as his opinions on politics. Thanks For Sharing, George.
George Will is one of the vehement climate change deniers. He has written columns recently for the Post that were blatantly wrong, and refused to correct them even after the Post's public editor called him out. He was wrong last year when he said China was drilling off the coast of Florida. That one at least got a correction. He also had quite a silly column recently in which he argued that blue jeans were responsible for America's troubles and implied that people who play video games should not be allowed to vote. People need to stop acting like George Will, et al, are generally reasonable people who just happen get one or two things wrong from time to time. It's deliberate, and no one can claim to be a reasonable and rational person if they hold a view that is diametrically opposed to reality.
George Will pretends to be intelligent and reasoned, but when you examine the details behind many of his arguments, it soon becomes clear that he's either an idiot or will readily repeat known falsehoods. He also relies on that old conservative political standard of making s*** up.
Another PUTZ talking head. Newsers love taking heads...no matter if they are talking out their butt or normal. Its all the same!!!
It's just more of the same tired, classic neo-con propaganda. Most have figured it out by now, others never will. ... Brad
As conservatives go, George Will is a bona fide fake. Oh how William Buckley is sorely missed... http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/TheList/story?id=1281875 :focus: