I just saw a red squirrel carrying a dead black squirrel down a tree. One of the things many people don't know is that squirrels eat meat when they can get it. Tom
Not only that, the little rodents are cannibals too. If a mama squirrel is having trouble feeding her young, she'll raid another nest and finish off the babies for nourishment Kinda funny how urban dwellers think the things are cute and charming
They really are tree rats. Friendly if you ever feed 'em but also COVERED with all sorts of parasites so the friendly thing isn't so good.
FWIW: The best luck I have had with feeding pills to my (part Siamese) cat is by sitting in the recliner with her tucked in beside me (NOT on my lap) between me and the armrest of the recliner. At that point it is much harder for squirming and wiggling to effect an escape. Doesn't make it any easier to make sure she actually swallows the pill, but I have had the most success in this way. YMMV! Good luck with the cat! By the way, when I can get the medicine in liquid form and drop it on my cat's dry food, she really seems to like it. Maybe it adds some variety to the flavor? Also, she, being part Siamese, tends to let me know when she is upset by throwing up on the carpet... And then meowing VERY loudly to let me know!
Ha. So far no throwing up or abherant toilet behavior but tonight she hissed a littlle and sort of bit when I gave her a pill. That's beyong unusual for her. Earlier we were playing 'Undercover Dave' where I put a folded towel and she pounces on movements I make and plays tug-of-war with the towel. She pull the towel and pounce and landed with her mouth on my hand by mistake. I barely felt the tooth but she hopped back in shock that she put a tooth on me. This time I got the pill in and picked up the little water shooter while holding her mouth closed and she made a break for it. I just can't control her squirming to keep one hand on her head and aim the pill instruments with the other. Because she's so tiny and squirming so wildly I'm holding her too hard and probably causing pain. She went for a break when I switched from the pill shooter to the water when I tried to block her one tooth landed on my nail and the other on pad of my thumb. Absolutely no indentation but I could feel them and pulled away so she got away before the water. Her getting away after toothing is a bad precedent. I guess I have to buy gloves. I'm avoiding her now and she me and she's hearing 'bad girl in a stern voice for the first time as I show her the thumb she toothed. I'll wait a few hours for make-up cuddles after that. I know she's a cat and she's acting out of fear. Plus, she knew it was comming. She went from sleepy as I was cleaning the torture instruments to wide eyed as I turned on the lights in the entryway by the door where I pill her. I'm considering seeing if I can board her at the Vets's husband's place next week where somebody who can do this correctly can handle her for a few days. She's only getting in 1 antibiotic a day when she should be getting that and 2 antihistimines a day. 5 down 5 to go. It's gotten worse each time and is ruining a perfect relationship.
Long term, that may be the best solution. First of all, I've noticed that pets behave *much* differently at the vets, than at home. They probably sense that a lot of their kind are in pain when they're brought in, and come to an end in the vet office, so they're usually pretty quiet and respectful At least mine are Much like how when you pay a visit to your doctor. Your doctor may be the best pal in the world, but once in that exam room, the relationship changes. Especially when the vinyl gloves snap on I have a couple of doctors as neighbors, and we get along great. But once my pants are down around my ankles, and that vinyl glove snaps on, the relationship changes. Even the temperature in the room drops 30 degrees I'm sure this will work out, eventually. Hang in there. And please call about boarding the cat, a good idea
Of course, there is no easy way to give a pill to a cat! There has been a lot of discussion on the subject, and all make completely valid points. Something that will work for us, SOMETIMES, is to hold the cat by the nape of the neck-----as the mother holds the kittens when she is carrying them around. This looks like it would hurt the cat, but it doesn't--(if you do it right)--just use your hand and grip the fur and skin at the back of the neck of the cat and it "sorta" does a paralysis (doing no harm to the cat), but it allows you more control of the animal. Of course, you don't want to pull the skin (fur) too tight----just play around with the technique and see how it works----when you think you have a good hold---lift the cat up a bit, getting it's center of gravity more to your advantage. As I mentioned---look at a video of a mama cat (feline of any type) and see how they carry their babies. Hope this helps at all...... :crazy: :ninja: cat!
It's funny the Vet called her 'Fiesty Cat' when I picked her up at the end of the day. I was surprise because she's usually just a ball of furry affection and gentleness. She didn't like having her blood taken either and cried and squirmed like a baby. That's when she first got the title 'Fiesty Cat', just for squirming and crying softly. I'm thinking that's what she is, a spoiled 5 year old baby. I guess the big howling cats that go in there freeze in submission but she's never been treated that way before. Spoiled ex-Show Cat that I adopted.
Here's a really fun game I called "bullfighter": Take a big towel or a shirt or anything that can be the cape. Hold it so the bottom edge is just at floor level. Get the kitty's attention, and then poke the toe of a bare foot out from under. Wiggle the toe. Kitty will pounce, and you try to pull your foot back before kitty gets hold of your foot. It's really painful if you are too slow, but that's what makes it interesting. Lots of fun.
That could be it. My cats will more or less freeze in terror once at the vets office, they must sense the bad vibes I'm thinking your plan to just board the cat will be best for you and the cat. That way, the cat will associate the nasty pill-down-the-hatch with a total stranger, and not with you
I don't think boarding the cat is such a great idea. You are substituting a 5 minute ordeal for a 24 hour ordeal. Cats are not likely to do well w/ an unfamiliar environment for that long, especially when your cat is already physically unwell. You said pill your cat near the entryway door. You may want to amend this. You should pill your cat, and use all torture implements, in an area that your cat isn't familiar with as a safety zone, where it would otherwise welcome you or where it rests. The best place for this, I've found, is in the bathroom with the door shut. The bathtub works great. It's a more controlled environment and then they're not associating the torture with you and the rest of the house where they eat and rest and seek security. Use lots of positive reinforcement and after pilling, try to distract the cat with someone positive like play or catnip.